Today was my first day being off for Christmas Break! It was a busy day, but I loved not having any school to worry about! I had two soccer games, a haircut, and dinner at Volta, a greek restaurant in town. I have a whole two weeks ahead of me with no school or sports to worry about! There are so many things I want to do! Read More
Category Archives: Favorites
Decorating For Christmas
Around my house, we are pretty much as decorated as we ever will be. We don’t go all out on the decorations, but we always have a few Christmas trees and lots of ornaments! This year, my little brother Quinn was probably the most excited out of everyone about the decorating. He wanted to help me out and take some pictures with our decorations for this post!
We have three Christmas trees, a big one that goes in the living room, and two smaller ones that go in each upstairs bedroom. Quinn has a green tree with mainly red and white ornaments in his room, and he loves it! His favorite ornament is a mini snow globe that hangs by a red ribbon.
Study Tips
For most people, it’s exam week, which means lots and lots of studying. Everyone will be cramming the night before, memorizing flashcards, and staying up until midnight. It’s very hard to try and manage all your studying and without being completely
exhausted. Here are some study tips to help you do the best you can on your exams.
Christmas Wishlist
Since Christmas is coming soon, everyone will be making lists of what they really want. I always make one list of things that I want, and then split it up to tell different grandparents, siblings, or my parents. Some of the things on my wish are a bit pricey, but others are some things I’ve wanted forever and just have never gotten. Read on to discover my Christmas wishlist!
- The thing I want the most is an ENO hammock. It was also on my Fall Wishlist, and I still haven’t gotten it! There are lots of trees and woods around my house, so I live in a perfect place for a hammock. I would love reading or looking at my computer in it in the fall and winter, hanging out in it in the spring, and in the summer. I would use it all the time! I have a humongous fluffy comforter that you could literally sink right into. I plan on filling the hammock with the comforter and sleeping out in it in the summer. I really hope I get it!
Christmas Morning Outfit
On Christmas morning, you’ll probably be around family, there will be LOTS of pictures taken, and it’ll be festive. You’ll want to wear something that is comfortable, warm and cozy, but also looks good. I’ve never worn an actual pair of Christmas pajamas, usually it’s just been some Nike shorts and a t-shirt with my hair in a ponytail. This year, I want to try doing braids or something like that. So I’ve put together and outfit that you can wear Christmas morning!
December Bucket List
Even though it’s already over a week into December, there are a few things that I really want to get done this month! These are things I haven’t done before or want to try before the year is over. New Year’s isn’t that far away, so now is the last chance before the end of 2015! My December bucket list:

Christmas Traditions
There are so many fun things that people do around, on, and after Christmas. Many people have holiday traditions, things they always do every year. It’s really fun to have something to look forward to doing around the holidays, because you know you’ll do it from then on. Here are some of my holiday traditions! Read More
Christmas Is Coming- Now What?
There’s less than a month until Christmas 2015! How exciting is that? Time sure has gone by fast, and hopefully these next few weeks of school will zip by. Then, it’ll finally be time for family, travel, presents, and fun this holiday! Read on to discover how to get ready for the upcoming season. If this won’t get you in the holiday spirit, I don’t know what will!
1. Make a Christmas List. No surprise there. Making a Christmas list of all of your most- wanted items is a must. This year, make it a bit more fun. Make a Pinterest board of your wishlist, that way you can have the links and pictures to everything you want. It’s easy to send the link to family and friends if they need any ideas. It’s also fun to make lists on what you’re going to get everyone else in your family. Having everything neat and organized makes it all the more enjoyable.
Holiday Gift Guide
Now that the holidays are drawing closer and closer, it’s time to bring out the lists. One list of all your wants this holiday season, and one list for all your family and friends’ wants this holiday season. Having trouble thinking of things to ask for/give? Check out these holiday gift guides!
Below are some amazing stocking stuffers, all for ten dollars or less! From phone cases to mini candles, these little gifts are sure to make any stocking fantastic! And ten dollars or under, it’s such a steal!
My Cross Country Season 2015
My last cross country meet of the year- State- is coming up soon. It is this Monday, in Clinton, Mississippi at the Choctaw Trails. I have been to State before, last year in eighth grade, and it was probably the most nerve racking experience of my life.
Fall Wishlist
Hi guys! I am so sorry there was no Mail Monday this week. I was on vacation and I didn’t have any wifi the whole trip :(. While I was on vacation, I had SO much fun! We swam, explored, and shopped. I also discovered Seaside Style, my new favorite store. I found some great clothes, but I also saw so many more that I wanted to get. So I decided to make a Fall Wishlist! Read on to discover some of my absolute WANTS for this fall.
Garmin Forerunner- Running Watch
For the first post in the sports category, I decided to introduce the Garmin Forerunner 10. It is a running watch that many track and field/ cross country runners use. I run both, and I wear my watch every day. It is so useful, and it helps me a lot while I run. Garmin makes many different editions of the running watch, and there are many different colors. I have the Foreunner 10 in the green color.
October Beach Trip 2015
Hi guys! I recently came home from a four day beach vacation in Florida. I was so sad to leave, but I had so much fun! My family and I stayed in a condo in Sandestin, but we traveled to a lot of nearby beach towns. I took some great pictures and started really liking photography while I was down there too. 🙂 Be sure to check out more of my photography at:! I am still working on it, but I hope to take more pictures soon!
Mail Monday #2
Guess what day it is??? MAIL MONDAY! Today’s mail isn’t very interesting. I didn’t really get that much stuff this week. Maybe this upcoming week will be more exciting, I won a few giveaways and the items should be on their way. So be on the lookout for that :).
So this week, all I got were some stickers- but the stickers are pretty cool! I either won them or contacted these companies and asked them, so all of these were free! Be on the lookout for how to get them soon- that post is on its way!