One of my goals for 2020 was to read more, and so far I’ve definitely kept up with that goal! Towards the end of 2019 I got on a big reading kick since i was home for winter break and was determined to keep it up in the new year. My original goal was to read at least two books a month, and as of today, I’ve read 10 books (and counting!) and I thought I would share my favorites. I got really into mystery books and found some contemporary mystery books that I loved, and I’ve also been trying to read more Christian/faith based books to fill my time. With all the corona virus craziness happening right now, MSU has switched to online classes, which means I’ll have lots of extra time at home to read even more!
Month: March 2020
February Recap + Favorites
Happy March! Whenever I think of March, I think of spring, and I can’t wait for sunny weather and blooming flowers everywhere. February in one word- RAIN. It rained so much all month. There were a few super cold days, but most were in the fifties with cloudy skies and pouring rain every single week. I’m so ready for sunshine and warm weather and growing plants that comes with spring! February actually went by pretty quickly, but it was also a jam-packed month for me. I feel like I’m finally getting into my routine with my new college schedule and how I spend my days depending on how much free time I have. Last semester I got so overwhelmed with my schedule and priorities and extracurriculars and it’s nice to have a sense of time management and control over it all, haha. I don’t have too much going on in March, but spring break is less than a week away, and we are going to the beach for a few days, so that’s definitely something fun to look forward to!