Hi everyone! This post is definitely a long time coming, seeing as it’s almost August and about to not be summer anymore, but I really wanted to share my productive summer morning routine that I’ve created over the past couple of weeks! I’m the type of person that craves routine and consistency, and I’ve definitely been slacking this summer. It’s been hard to stay consistent when I would wake up at random times depending on when I had work/how tired I was/how late I stayed up the night before. I would always be motivated the night before to have a productive morning, but when I actually woke up the next day, I lost motivation and slacked off. It’s definitely been hard to stay disciplined and wake up early enough to follow my routine, but I feel so much better throughout the day!
Month: July 2020
Link Roundup Vol. 2
Happy July! I feel like June seriously flew by, and we’re already halfway through summer! I’ve had a pretty chill past few weeks. Besides going to the beach for a few days, I’ve mainly been at home or at work all of May and June. I’m leaving for Hilton Head in a few days, and I’m so excited because I’ve never been to South Carolina before! It honestly doesn’t even feel like a real summer with everything going on, so I love getting out of town for a few days and having some time at the beach. Today’s post is a little link roundup from some of my favorite posts, sites, and products I’ve seen in the past few months! I did one of these back in November and it’s so fun to compile all my recent links into one post, enjoy!