I’ve always loved reading; ever since I was young you could find me with my nose stuck in a book. Once I started high school I still kept reading, but much much less than I used to. It’s hard to keep up with all my classes and still make time for books, especially if they aren’t school related or required. As sad as it is, I kind of let reading slide and didn’t read near as much as I’d hoped to last year. I still loved it, but just never made time for it. One of my goals for 2019 was to read more, and I’m happy to say that I’ve stuck with it so far!
Month: February 2019
Dorm Inspiration

It’s so weird to think that I technically only have five more months of living at home. I graduate in May, and in August I’ll be at college living away from home for the first time ever! It’s scary, but there are also exciting parts to it-one of the biggest being that I get to decorate my dorm! I submitted my housing application a couple of weeks ago and in about a month my roommate and I find out where we’re going to live! I love home decor, and while I know dorm life won’t be that glamorous, I still have lots of ideas about how to make a tiny room more homey.
Weekly Wrapup #2

I meant to post this Saturday, but got super busy and didn’t have time to write it until just now! If you remember my last weekly wrapup, I said I wanted to start writing this to sum up my week and update on fun things going on in my life. I feel like my past few weeks have been pretty boring and unusual, but this past week was a good one, with lots of updates I wanted to share!
in my shopping bag // current wishlist

Happy hump day! This week has gone by super fast so far, and overall it’s been good! I went out of town Thursday and missed all day Friday for a college visit, so Monday was a little stressful because I had lots of schoolwork to catch up on. Thankfully I didn’t have work Monday, so I was able to grind and get it all out of the way. This is my first full week of track practices, and I couldn’t be happier to be back running! I’m definitely out of track shape, but thankfully we have a few weeks before our first meet so I have time to get back on track…literally.
February Goals

Happy February! To be honest, I wasn’t excited for February at all at the beginning of the year. It’s always cold, there’s nothing fun to look forward to, and there’s no school breaks the entire month. But while I was journaling and making my goals at the beginning of the month, I was actually getting really excited! January was such a good month for me that I want to continue the productivity into February!
January Recap

Did anyone else feel like January just flew by? Usually January is one of the slowest months of the year for me, but I feel like it was already halfway through the month before I knew it, and then the last half was so busy that when I looked up, it was January 30th! January was a great month. It took a week or so to get back into a routine after I started back school, but now that I’ve gotten used to my classes and schedule, I’ve gotten a lot more productive.