Hi everyone! I originally saw this idea on YouTube, where a lot of book/reading channels were doing a video reviewing some of the favorite books of the year and answering questions about different categories of books. If you know me, you know I’m a big reader, and this year I’ve been trying to expand my reading genres and branch out with my reading. I haven’t read quite as many as last year (so far at least), but I’ve definitely still read some great books, and I’m excited to go through and recap some of my favorites. The mid-year book recap answers a few questions about different books and ends with some books I’m excited to read before the year is over. I’ve read 58 so far, and my goal is 75, which I feel like I’ll probably surpass by December!
Category Archives: Books
february reading roundup
How is February over? Even though it’s just a few days shorter than other months, it always flies by. I feel like I’m finally in a routine back at school and have gotten into a groove with my classes and extracurricular work. The first week or so of February was super cold and rainy, but it’s actually been warm and sunny for the past few weeks now! I’m hoping the sunshine is here to stay, because it’s been so nice to walk around campus in shorts and a t-shirt. It makes me excited for spring and for everything to start blooming again. I actually read a lot this month, both physical books and audiobooks. I read a mix of nonfiction, Christian, dark academia, and fantasy- definitely switching it up from my usual genres!
my top 22 books of 2022
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love reading, and I think 2022 was my biggest reading year ever. I didn’t even intend to read as much as I did, but I read 110 books throughout the year, and found some new favorites! I love how reading has become part of my daily routine, from finding 20 minutes to read between classes to reading a few chapters before bed. I tried to explore some new genres this year, and I read fantasy for the first time in forever. I also re-read some old favorites, some great Christian books, and found my new favorite duology! This was hard to narrow down, but today I’m sharing my 22 favorite books I read in 2022!
fall 2022 reading list
It was 55 degrees on my walk to class today, so I feel like fall is finally on its way here! I have been pretty busy with school the past few weeks and haven’t had as much time to read as I hoped, but I’m trying to be better about making more time for it! One thing that has helped me knock a few books off my list is listening to audiobooks, which I usually check out on Libby from my library for free. It’s nice to be able to have a book on in the background while driving, walking to class, or even cleaning/laundry. However, nothing compares to a physical copy of a book, and I think fall is the perfect time for cozying up with a good read! This list is a mix of thrillers, fantasy, and “dark academia” genres, which I don’t usually read. I feel like fall is the perfect time to try new genres and experiment with books that may be out of my comfort zone!
summer 2022 recap
Hi everyone! It’s a gloomy August day as I’m writing this, and I think it’s finally hit me that summer is over (cue tears). It honestly feels like yesterday that I moved out of my apartment and back home for the summer, I can’t believe that was almost four months ago! Summer is by far my favorite season, and I got to have so many fun experiences. I was home for about three weeks in May, but spent most of my summer in Southampton, NY as a live-in nanny! It was something super out of my comfort zone but that I’m so glad I did. Today’s post is a biggg summer recap: everything I did, what I read, and lessons I learned!
recent reads: march 2022
Long time, no post! I haven’t made much time for the blog recently, and this semester has been crazy busy between classes, my internship, clubs, and homework. I’m so glad it’s finally warming up, and summer is only a little over a month away! We just got back from spring break, and it was honestly such a good week to unwind and relax. I didn’t do much, just went home for the week, but I got on a big reading kick again! I had barely been reading the weeks prior because of school, but over spring break I read… 10 books. From Sunday to Sunday. Yes, two of them I was already mostly done with because I had started them earlier, but still- I read nonstop! After coming back from spring break, I’m trying to keep my reading motivation alive and make time for it throughout the school day. Today I’m sharing all the books I’ve read this month and telling you my top recommendations!
my 2022 reading list
It’s a new year, but I’m still just as into reading as ever! Last year I read 84 books, which honestly I’m surprised at myself for, haha. I didn’t think I had enough time to read that much, which just goes to show that it’s about making time, not waiting until you “find” time. I read a lot of thrillers last year, which is probably my favorite genre. As I was coming up with this year’s reading list, I wanted to branch out and read books from new authors and new genres. Some genres I haven’t really explored are historical fiction, self improvement, and memoirs, so I definitely want to read more of those this year. I came up with a list of books that I want to try to tackle over the next few months. Knowing me though, I usually get hooked on an author or series and then read whatever I’m feeling, haha. Even if I add more books to the mix, I do really want to try to check these off my list this year!
winter reading list
It’s a chill Wednesday night as I’m writing this, and I have one more exam tomorrow before I am officially done with my fall semester of junior year! This semester flew by, I can’t believe it’s already December. This week started out super busy, because I had a big presentation and an exam back to back on Monday. Thankfully though, my other two exams this week haven’t required too much studying, so I’ve been able to chill and spend time with some friends before we all go home for break. I feel like I haven’t really been in the Christmas mood because my mind has only been consumed with finals and tests and projects, so I can’t wait to get a break and enjoy the holiday season. Today’s post is my winter reading list, which was so fun to create! I did one of these a few months ago for fall, and I checked a lot of them off. Now that I’ll have more time to relax, I’m excited to start reading and tackle this list.
my top ten thriller recs
I used to never be interested in thrillers or mystery books. I mainly gravitated towards young adult contemporary fiction, a little fantasy, or rom coms. But over quarantine, when we were home for so long and I started reading more, I discovered I really like thrillers. It has definitely become my favorite genre. I started out with more YA mysteries, then slowly worked my way into the more “adult” (if you would even call it that?) thrillers, and I always get so sucked into them! I’ve read dozens of thrillers over the past couple of years, but today I’m sharing my top ten picks. I have a huge Goodreads list of more thrillers that I want to read, and definitely let me know if there are any of your favorites I need to add to the list!
my fall 2021 reading list!
I know, it’s only the beginning of September and fall hasn’t “officially” started, but I’m already so excited. Fall is definitely one of my favorite seasons, I just love how cozy it feels: the baking, pumpkins, the weather, everything about it. I hate that in Mississippi there’s barely even a fall, because I feel like it feels great outside for about two weeks, then the leaves turn dead and it’s immediately cold. Anyways, might as well start celebrating early to enjoy it while it lasts, right? I don’t know if it’s just me, but fall = reading in my mind. I love the idea of cozying up on a pretty fall day with a good book. The other day, I went through my Goodreads list and found a bunch of books that I want to try to read over the next few months. These aren’t necessarily fall themed or anything, but most have been on my “to-read” list for a while and I’m ready to work my way through them!
reviewing every book I read this summer (all 29!)
I’ve always loved reading, but this year I rekindled my love of books and I’ve had so much extra time for it. I’m honestly so sad that I’m so busy with school right now because I barely have time to read and I miss it so much. This summer, I was on a reading kick. I seriously read so much. If you remember my last book post, I mentioned that I was getting into mysteries and thrillers, and I dove headfirst into this genre over the summer. I also read some cute rom-com style books, a few faith related books, and also got into dystopian books! I’ve read 49 books so far this year, and here’s what I read this summer!
Recent Quarantine Reads
If you know me, you know how much I loveeee reading. I say this all the time, but I definitely go in phases with reading where I read a lot, then get in a rut and it’ll take me a month to get through one book. I started off the year strong and read a few books a month for the first part of the year, and then kind of got in a slump around March. With quarantine and everyone staying home, the library was closed, and I only had a couple of books at home that I hadn’t read already. After reading those, I was kind of unmotivated to read any new books and found myself choosing Netflix over books for a while. Then a few weeks ago, I found a few people on instagram that were sharing a lot of their book recommendations, and I got super inspired all over again. I was adding so many new books to my GoodReads account and getting so many options to read next. Needless to say, I’ve been on such a big reading kick for the past few weeks, and I can’t wait to share my recent reads!
Books I’ve Read in 2020
One of my goals for 2020 was to read more, and so far I’ve definitely kept up with that goal! Towards the end of 2019 I got on a big reading kick since i was home for winter break and was determined to keep it up in the new year. My original goal was to read at least two books a month, and as of today, I’ve read 10 books (and counting!) and I thought I would share my favorites. I got really into mystery books and found some contemporary mystery books that I loved, and I’ve also been trying to read more Christian/faith based books to fill my time. With all the corona virus craziness happening right now, MSU has switched to online classes, which means I’ll have lots of extra time at home to read even more!
Recent Reads + Books On My To Read List
I’ve always loved reading; ever since I was young you could find me with my nose stuck in a book. Once I started high school I still kept reading, but much much less than I used to. It’s hard to keep up with all my classes and still make time for books, especially if they aren’t school related or required. As sad as it is, I kind of let reading slide and didn’t read near as much as I’d hoped to last year. I still loved it, but just never made time for it. One of my goals for 2019 was to read more, and I’m happy to say that I’ve stuck with it so far!