Has anyone else used this quarantine to clean out their closet and sell old clothes? It’s something I put off forever and never get around to doing, but when I finally start, it’s actually really satisfying. A few weeks ago, I made a whole week out of deep cleaning my room and closet and listing some old clothes on Poshmark and my closet instagram. It was definitely nice to feel organized and have some empty hangers, but it also left me needing new spring clothes! I usually try to save money and don’t shop very often, but when I do decide to make a few purchases, it’s so fun to round up new fashion links. Today I’m sharing some cute pieces I found for good prices while online shopping!
Month: May 2020
Summer Vibes Playlist
I’m officially done with classes, the temps are 80s all week long, and the pool is opening in a few weeks… it’s summer! If you know me, you know summer is my all time favorite season. Ugh, it just makes me so happy that it’s finally summer and I have over 3 whole months of no school! Unfortunately, most of my summer plans got canceled, so I’m just planning on working at my local boutique job, reading at the pool, and spending lots of time with family/friends! Today’s post is my new summer playlist, and it’s been on repeat all week. I made a playlist back in April and it’s more of summer bops and popular songs, but this one is new and it’s more vibey and chill. Let me know if you give it a listen!
Recent Quarantine Reads
If you know me, you know how much I loveeee reading. I say this all the time, but I definitely go in phases with reading where I read a lot, then get in a rut and it’ll take me a month to get through one book. I started off the year strong and read a few books a month for the first part of the year, and then kind of got in a slump around March. With quarantine and everyone staying home, the library was closed, and I only had a couple of books at home that I hadn’t read already. After reading those, I was kind of unmotivated to read any new books and found myself choosing Netflix over books for a while. Then a few weeks ago, I found a few people on instagram that were sharing a lot of their book recommendations, and I got super inspired all over again. I was adding so many new books to my GoodReads account and getting so many options to read next. Needless to say, I’ve been on such a big reading kick for the past few weeks, and I can’t wait to share my recent reads!
May Goals + Intentions
Happy May! I always feel so inspired and motivated at the beginning of each month, and this month is no exception. I always love planning and setting goals for my life, and being done with school and the summer weather is making me even more inspired. I had a really good April, but towards the end of the month, I kind of lost motivation and discipline to stay healthy. I had such a good planning session a few days ago to write out my May goals and intentions, and I journaled a bit about the month ahead. One of my big goals of the month is to be intentional- to be aware of how I’m spending my time and really work on myself!
April Recap
Happy May! April flew by, but it was probably my favorite month of the year so far. I say it all the time, but the weather and sunshine always affects my mood, so all the spring temps made me so happy! I hate the cold, and I think it was 60s and 70s almost every single day this month. April wasn’t super eventful (we are still in quarantine haha), but I was trying to stay motivated and productive this month instead of laying around all day, like I did some in March. There were definitely some lazy days, but I tried some fun projects, got into a new workout routine, and best of all- officially finished freshman year!