Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. My weekend was really fun. I had a track meet on Friday, Saturday we went to a spring festival, and Sunday we visited family out of town. Now it’s Monday, and back to school for me :(. But thankfully, there are only 40 more school days left of the semester! Hopefully these last eight weeks of school will zoom by, because I’m more excited about summer than ever! On the subject of summer nearing, it also means shorts, swimsuits, and tank tops every single day. Now is the time everyone is really starting to work hard to get in shape and eat healthier, because the hottest season of all will be here before you know it! Read on to discover the first of my series on tips for a healthy lifestyle.
Month: March 2016
Go To Hairstyle: Two Side French Braids
Hello everyone! I know I didn’t have many posts last week, but I just decided to take a break while I was on spring break and could relax. But now spring break is over and I’m back in my routine! Only nine more weeks left of school- 42 days left! I’m so excited about summer. I’ve been organizing my summer plans already, and it’s going to be great! I can’t wait for all the fun planned ahead! Hopefully these next nine weeks will just zoom by and be over with soon. The days really have seemed to go by fast ever since we got back from Winter Break a few months ago. So today’s post is about one of my favorite ways to style my hair. It’s pretty simple, and it only takes me about 6 or 7 minutes to do once I got it mastered. Read on to discover how to do two side french braids!
How I Edit My Photos
Hello everyone! Sorry there haven’t been too many posts recently, I’ve just been enjoying my Spring Break and freedom! Even though I’m not doing much, it’s still great to be able to have a week off and relax. During my break, I’ve been doing a lot of photography and practicing taking photos. I use the app called VSCO to edit my photos, I love the different features and filters that there are to offer. You can check out my photos here! Read on to discover how to use VSCO!
The Friday Five
This Friday is probably the best in a while! That’s because it’s my last day before I get out for Spring Break! I have to wait just a few more hours. But I’m so excited to finally be free- for a whole week! This week was actually a pretty great week! Since we are about to be out of school for a while, most classes were pretty relaxed, and we didn’t start any new lessons. I spent this week stress free, trying to get all my work over and done with so I can enjoy my week of nothing! This week I found a lot of great things to add to my Friday Five, so read on!
The Recipe To A Perfect Day
Some weeks the meaningless, boring days seem to just drag by as we finish up the school year. But other days, the day seems to just fall together perfectly and nothing goes wrong. You can make those perfect days happen every day, it’s all up to you. If you can think positive and have the mindset that your day will be great, it really will be! There are so many things that could go wrong, but you can’t let them bother you. No matter how stressful your week may be, pick a day to make sure everything goes right, it’s all up to you.
Movies Coming Out This Summer
This weekend, I was able to get (sorta) organized and prepared for the week ahead. Only five more days until my school gets out for Spring Break! After we get back from break, there are only 48 more school days until summer, and I am so ready to get out of school! Summer 2016 is full of great films coming out. If it ever gets too hot to be outside, take refuge in a movie theater, because there’s sure to be at least one good movie showing. From super hero movies to Harry Potter spinoffs to new Disney films, this summer will be filled to the brim with movies to watch.
Outfit of the Week
Today’s post is an outfit post- I’ll try to do these every week from now on! This outfit is comfortable but also stylish at the same time. It’s not super fancy, some pieces of the outfit are sporty, but it all comes together into a super cute look! Although some of these items might be out of stock, the great thing about this outfit is that many of the pieces can be found elsewhere in similar styles, since it’s pretty simple.
Hope you enjoyed this outfit and it gave you some inspiration! Have a great weekend!
The Friday Five
Hello everyone! I know I didn’t have a Friday Five last week, I was super busy and never had the time to write anything out. I’m so glad this week is finally over, now it means only seven more days until I’m out for Spring Break! This afternoon I have a track meet, and this weekend I have four soccer games in Tennessee, so I’m really busy! I just found a few things that I liked throughout the week to show today- enjoy!
Spring Break Ideas/Places to Go
I am so so excited for Spring Break, I honestly cannot wait! For my school its only a week and a half away, and I’m so ready to be out of school! I don’t really think I’ll be doing anything interesting while I’m out of school. I’ll probably just catch up on some sleep, try making some new recipes, and relax. Although I’m not going anywhere far away, that doesn’t mean you can’t! Coming up is a list of fun places and things to do during Spring Break.
Easy Ab Workout
Hello everyone! I’m so sorry that I didn’t have any posts up last week. It was so busy for me and I had so many things to do! Summer and Spring Break are coming up, so everyone is probably going to start trying to get into shape and get ready for the hot season! That’s why today’s post is about a quick and (sorta) easy ab workout to do when you have an extra ten minutes to spare. Just find some space on the floor to work and that’s all you need!
Hope this was helpful! Just do this sometime during your day everyday until you get results and get fit for summer!