While it is a little weird living at home again, I definitely love being back with family and having my regular kitchen to cook more and make my own meals again. I love trying new recipes and yummy meals, which was definitely difficult in my dorm microwave or tiny dorm kitchen. Now that we’re in quarantine, we’ve kind of gotten into a weekly rotation of family meals and recipes, and it’s been so nice to have my mom cook for me again! I’ve also been helping with dinners and planning the meals every once in a while, and I love getting recipe recommendations. Today I’m sharing some recent quarantine eats + recipes on my to-try list!
Month: April 2020
DIY Projects I Want to Try
Happy weekend! At this point the days are all starting to run together, and there isn’t much difference between the weekend and the regular days of the week. To be honest, I kind of like the regular weekdays more, because I feel more productive and motivated with my to do list of school stuff. Next week, I have two exams, and then I’m officially done with my freshman year! It’s so crazy. My schedule has been to get most of my school stuff done in the mornings before lunch, and then have the afternoons free for projects, working out, and more “fun” activities. Once my classes wrap up next week, I’ll have even more free time, and I really want to try to stay motivated and not just sit on my computer all day. So I took to Pinterest and rounded up some fun DIY and creative projects to try, enjoy!
productive things to do during quarantine
Is anyone else getting super bored after being stuck at home for so long? I think it’s now week 3 (or is it 4?) of quarantine and staying inside, and I’m definitely starting to lose motivation. To be honest, I didn’t mind it too much at first, and it was nice to have an extra week of spring break. But now that online classes have started up and I’ve gotten into more of a routine, I’ve just been feeling kind of uninspired and lazy. I’m the kind of person who always likes to be doing something and crossing tasks off my to do list, so I hate just laying around the house and not feeling like I’m making any progress with my goals. Today’s post is a big list of things to do while stuck at home, and I’m honestly excited to have this to look back on and check things off whenever I get bored!
Spring 2020 Morning Routine
Let’s just start off by saying this is definitely my ideal morning routine, but I definitely don’t stick with it every day. However, it’s always motivating for me to write out my morning routine and get inspired to follow my “dream morning routine” if you will. Since everyone is at home right now and colleges have closed because of the corona virus, my classes are now all online and I’ve had to make a new schedule for myself. It’s definitely harder to stay productive when I’m not required to go to certain classes at certain times, and I’m often tempted to spend the day on Netflix or chilling at home. But let me tell you- online classes are NOT easy. I thought it would be a lot easier than regular classes, but it’s actually a lot more work than I thought it would be. Keeping a consistent morning routine is key for me to start the day with a productive mindset and get everything done!