This past week, I went on vacation with my family to Fort Morgan Beach, Alabama, and it was such a fun, relaxing trip! We honestly didn’t do much and just stayed at the condo/beach the whole time, but it was so nice to relax by the ocean and pool all day. I was there from Saturday to Wednesday with my younger brother and grandmother, and then the rest of my family came down Wednesday night and we were there until that Saturday. This was the longest I’ve been at the beach, but I soaked up every minute of it! It was kind of overcast most of the week, with rain a couple of days at the beginning, but it was so humid compared to back home in Oxford. Overall, it was so good to get away for a bit!
Month: June 2020
Photo Diary No. 3
Hello and welcome back to another photo diary post! These are some of my favorite posts, because they are basically a big recap of the past few months with lots of fun pictures. I absolutely love taking pictures/videos to have to look back on, and it was a goal of mine for this year to be more intentional with taking pictures and capturing memories. Since I haven’t done one of these in a while, this will be a bigger photo dump than usual, but I cant wait to do one at the end of the summer with all my summer pics!
summer 2020 bucket list
It’s officially my favorite season and the best time of year- happy summer! I know it’s already halfway through June, but I wanted to share a little summer bucket list I put together a couple of weeks ago. I love making a bucket list every year to give me ideas of stuff to do so I’m not just sitting around my house all day. Of course, I never actually get everything on my list done, but it’s fun to brainstorm ideas and try to have a carefree summer! This summer is definitely different than ones in the past, with corona and all the craziness going on. My original summer plans got canceled, so I’ve been spending most days working at a local boutique or reading at the pool. I do have a few fun trips sprinkled throughout the summer tho, and I’m really looking forward to making the most of it!
My Favorite Summer Outfit
One of the biggest reasons I love summer is the summer fashion and the outfits that I can put together. I’d much rather wear a tank top than a sweater, so I’m so glad to finally be able to wear my summer closet again. I usually gravitate towards a denim skirt or shorts with a graphic tee, but I really want to get into wearing more dresses this summer! They’re easy to throw on, but they make it look like you tried hard on your outfit without much effort! There’s a dress I got last year from Target that I wear nonstop, so I really want to expand my dress collection and buy more! I bought this one from Forever 21 a few weeks ago and it’s definitely my new favorite!
June Goals
Happy June everyone! This is probably my favorite month of the year, for so many reasons. I love summer and the warm weather, the pool is open, no school, and my birthday is in just a few days! (the 4th!) I just made my summer bucket list last night and it’s making me so excited to really take advantage of this summer and try to do as much as possible. I really want to focus on growing my lifestyle/fashion instagram and be proud of my pictures and feed. I want to read lots of books and spend lots of time in the sun. I want to spend time with my friends and meet up with old friends from high school. I’m getting so motivated and excited for this month, so here are my top 10 goals for June!