Hi everyone! It’s a gloomy August day as I’m writing this, and I think it’s finally hit me that summer is over (cue tears). It honestly feels like yesterday that I moved out of my apartment and back home for the summer, I can’t believe that was almost four months ago! Summer is by far my favorite season, and I got to have so many fun experiences. I was home for about three weeks in May, but spent most of my summer in Southampton, NY as a live-in nanny! It was something super out of my comfort zone but that I’m so glad I did. Today’s post is a biggg summer recap: everything I did, what I read, and lessons I learned!
Month: August 2022
august 2022 goals + intentions
How is it already August?!? This summer seriously flew by. I’m not ready to go back to school and start classes again. It feels like summer literally just started! I’ve been nannying in Southampton all summer, and will head back home in about a week. I’ll have the long weekend at home to recharge and pack, then move back into school a couple days later. August is kind of a weird month because it’s half summer, half school, and it’s filled with a big change of routines and settling into the school environment again. I honestly haven’t been super motivated or inspired, like I usually am at the start of a new month. Writing these goals helped me get a little more inspired, and I hope it’s a good month ahead!