It’s been a minute! I blinked and it’s somehow almost July- this year is flying by! I haven’t posted since April, and quite a bit has happened since then. I finished exams, graduated college, packed up my apartment and moved back to Oxford, went on a few trips, and got a job- a busy two months to say the least! Summer is no doubt my favorite season, and I’ve been loving being done with school and having a bit of a slower pace the past few weeks. Trying to soak it all up the next few days, because I actually leave to nanny next Wednesday! I nannied last summer in Southampton, and this summer I will be up north again- in Connecticut and Nantucket. I kind of decided to nanny last minute, but I’m so thankful for the opportunity to travel a bit and live in a new place!
Category Archives: Lifestyle
february goals + habits 💘
Here we are already a week into February, and 2023 is flying by! I always set big goals and intentions for January, but I feel like the last few weeks of the month I started to slack off and neglect my habits. It was hard transitioning back to school from being home for winter break, and I really want to get into a good routine! This will be my first full month back in classes, and my main goal is to set up a good morning routine that I look forward to and makes me feel good afterwards. It’s always hard at first, but I know being consistent with waking up early and working out will be so beneficial for me. I’ve been trying to stay consistent with my habits through a habit tracker, and I definitely feel more inclined to do the small things each day when I know I have to check it off each night!
how to fight the winter blues
It’s a freezing cold, rainy day as I type this, and I’m wishing for summer more than ever. I’m definitely a warm weather girl, and winter hits me hard every year. I think I overlooked the cold when I was home for winter break, because it was the holidays and cozy and not ~too~ cold yet. But being back at school for spring semester, the past few weeks have been very cold and gloomy and I’ve been very uninspired. I was so motivated when I wrote out my 2023 goals, and the first few weeks of January I felt like I was on my grind. But the past few weeks I’ve definitely found myself slipping and feeling really lazy, and I think it has a lot to do with the weather. I really want to pull myself out of this little rut and re-motivate myself, and that really comes down to discipline and not letting the weather affect me so much! Today’s post is a roundup of things I do/am trying to do this winter to stay inspired and happy in the cold winter months.
recent skincare/makeup favorites
I never used to really be into skincare, and I just washed my face with water in the shower or some random face wash from years ago. But over the past few months, I’ve really gotten into trying new skincare and makeup products, and I love having a morning and night skincare routine each day! I’m still no skincare expert by any means, but I like to find products with simple ingredients that are gentle on my face. I also have so many more items on my wishlist that I’ve heard good things about and want to try in the future!
october recap + november goals
photo diary no. 4: summer recap + start of school!
It’s been so long since I’ve done a photo diary, but these are so fun to make! I basically just go through my photo album or VSCO and choose some of my favorite photos throughout the past few months, then give a caption about what I was up to! I feel like I’ve been so busy the past few months that this blog has been pushed to the backburner, and I haven’t really updated on my life as much as I used to. The summer seriously flew by, and now here we are almost to October… it’s insane. I was home for a few weeks in May, but I actually lived in New York all summer as a live-in nanny. I got home mid-August and had a few days with my family, and now have been in school for about five weeks now! I thought this would be a fun way to catch up on my life and share some fun pics too!
on my watchlist: tv shows and movies I want to see!
I’ve always loved getting sucked into a good show, but with college getting busy again and having more homework, it’s been hard to find time to watch much Netflix. I also feel like I’ve seen all the “good” shows (the popular ones) and don’t know any other shows to watch. However, last week my friend and I decided to start a show together, and it became a nightly routine to go over to her apartment, eat a quick dinner, and watch an episode or two on her cozy couch. We watched The Undoing on HBO Max, a who-done-it thriller/mystery show! There’s something so fun about watching a show with a friend, instead of just alone in my room. We would react to the show together and have a debrief after. Now that we’ve finished the season, I’ve been finding lots of other shows I want to watch, and we’re already planning our next movie night! Today I thought I’d share lots of shows and movies I want to watch, plus a few of my favorites that I’ve seen recently!
summer 2022 recap
Hi everyone! It’s a gloomy August day as I’m writing this, and I think it’s finally hit me that summer is over (cue tears). It honestly feels like yesterday that I moved out of my apartment and back home for the summer, I can’t believe that was almost four months ago! Summer is by far my favorite season, and I got to have so many fun experiences. I was home for about three weeks in May, but spent most of my summer in Southampton, NY as a live-in nanny! It was something super out of my comfort zone but that I’m so glad I did. Today’s post is a biggg summer recap: everything I did, what I read, and lessons I learned!
spring 2022 bucket list
With it warming up and spring on the way, I feel like my mood has done a complete 180. Even though I’ve been very busy and had a lot going on, I have felt so much better and in a more positive mood the past few weeks, and I know it has to do with the weather. I was so tired of walking to class in the cold, dreary rain or getting home from work and it already being dark. I love that the sun goes down later and the weather is nicer. Tulips are planted all around campus, and it seems like everything is coming alive again! I only have about four more weeks left of the spring semester, and I want to take advantage of the good weather as much as possible! I came up with some fun ideas, a sort of spring mood board, to get me inspired for the season. I want to take better care of myself, eat well and workout more, be outside as much as possible, and make time for fun. I feel like I’ve gotten so consumed with schoolwork and my usual schedule that I haven’t stopped to appreciate the weather and all the fun that comes with a new season!
my current skincare/makeup routine
If you know me, you know that I’ve never really been into makeup. I rarely ever wear it, and “getting ready” usually means swiping on some mascara and brow gel. Thankfully, I have pretty clear skin, and so I kind of just let my skincare routine slip and never really put much thought into trying new products. But for some reason, over the past month or so, I’ve started to get more into makeup and taking better care of my skin. I think it’s because since I’m back at home, I’ve been working at a boutique almost every day. It’s fun to have something to dress up and get ready for, and I’ve started to develop a makeup routine (even if it’s very minimal haha). Today I wanted to share some of the products I’ve been using recently, plus some that are on my list to try in the future.
fall semester recap + winter break goals
I’m officially done with fall semester and out for winter break! I don’t think it’s really hit me yet that fall semester is over, it seriously flew by. It feels like one month ago that I was moving into my apartment and starting classes, not four, haha. I don’t have any crazy plans for winter break, but I want to focus on relaxing, spending time with friends and family, and having more time to work on my side projects. I can’t believe Christmas is less than two weeks away, how is it coming up so soon? I feel like I’ve been so focused on school and finals that I haven’t felt as in the Christmas mood like I usually am. I wanted to write a little recap of my junior year so far and brainstorm some fun things to do during the break!
my 6:30 a.m. college morning routine
Happy December everyone! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with family. I’m back at school for another week or so for finals, and I’m so ready for Christmas break! Thanksgiving break was so fun, I got to go home earlier than I expected and spent the week relaxing and spending time with my fam. I took a few shifts at the boutique I’ve worked at since high school, baked lots of goodies for Thanksgiving, played card games with my siblings, and had lots of movie nights. We set out Christmas tree up and decorated the house, which really got me into full holiday mode. Not going to lie, it’s always tough to come back to school for finals after Christmas break. I was in such a relaxed, holiday mood and now I’m stressed with papers and exams and final projects, haha. Anyway, today’s post is all about my recent college morning routine! I’ve been consistent with this routine for a little over a month now, and I feel like I’ve finally found a routine that works for me and my schedule.
holiday gift guide: amazon faves under $50
It’s so crazy that we are over halfway through with November, it literally feels like it was just the first of the month like a week ago. Thanksgiving break is coming up, I have about two weeks left at school for exams, and then I’m off for Christmas break! So many family members have already started asking for Christmas ideas, and I love online shopping to browse for gift guides. Today’s gift guide is a roundup of my Amazon faves, all under $50! Some of these things I have and love and some of them I’m asking for myself. Not going to lie, making this put me in such a Christmas mood. I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet but I’m already so excited for the holidays!
september recap + october intentions
Happy October! I can’t believe there are only three months left of the year… that’s crazy to me. October really crept up on me, I didn’t realize how fast September was flying by until like the last three days of the month haha. I wasn’t feeling very motivated at the beginning of the month, to be honest. October first I was feeling kind of bleh and uninspired. But yesterday I really took the time to reflect on September and write out some intentions and goals for the month ahead. I love browsing Pinterest to find good journal prompts and ways to prep for the month ahead. I took 30 minutes to sit down, put some music on, and really brainstorm. It actually made me so motivated and excited for October! I really want to work on personal growth and discipline this month, and I’m excited to challenge myself to stay consistent with my goals.