Happy 2022! It’s weird, because I usually get really excited and build myself up for the coming of a new year. I have all these big changes I want to make and start thinking about how the old “chapter” of the year before is closing. I honestly didn’t really feel that for 2022 though. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, haha, but I feel like it hasn’t really hit me that 2021 is over and a new year is upon us. I definitely have some goals for the year ahead and some changes that I want to make in my life, but it doesn’t feel like this extreme, looming pressure to become a whole new me or do a complete 180. The week after Christmas was spent working, doing my online class, and spending time with family. Then January 2, I went to Passion Conference for three days, which was such a great experience. It feels like I’ve only just now had time to sit down and reflect and create the routines that I want to adopt for the new year, almost a week into 2022, haha. Today I wanted to reflect a bit on 2021 and go into some of my goals for this year!
Category Archives: Favorites
my favorite ways to work out
I’ve pretty much always been active, ever since I was a girl. I started playing soccer when I was three years old, and ran cross country/track and played soccer all through high school. I loved running so much, and being on the cross country team was definitely one of my favorite parts of my high school years. When I graduated and went to college, I definitely missed the discipline and motivation that came from being on a team. I went from having practice at least once a day, if not twice, to having no coach tell me when or how to work out. I definitely still love movement though, so it’s been fun to challenge myself and set my own goals when it comes to getting exercise. I’ve tried lots of different workouts and different types of classes, but I definitely have a few favorites!
september goals + august recap
I think August was probably the fastest month of the year… but then again, I feel like I say that about every single month. I had a pretty good month in August! Half of it was filled with rest and soaking up my last couple of weeks of summer, then the last half I moved back to college and was immediately busy with school, organizations, and hanging out with my roommates. While I’m definitely not over the fact that summer is officially over and there’s no more “free time” to just chill and not have any priorities, I’m looking forward to throwing myself into the college routine, and of course, fall! We had two days of “cooler” weather this weekend, and even though it was only 70 degrees, it made me so excited for autumn. But here we are back in the 90s by lunch, so we’ll see if it actually gets cooler anytime soon.
the love list vol. 1
Hi guys, happy Monday! Sorry for no blog post the past few weeks, I’ve been super busy moving back into school and I just started classes last Wednesday. If you didn’t know, I’m a junior at MSU with a major in PR and a minor in Marketing. So far, I really like my classes and I’m really interested in everything we’re learning! I’m taking 18 hours this year so I’ll definitely be busy, but I’m excited for getting deeper into my major and taking classes I actually enjoying. Anyway, today’s post is a new series I want to start, called the Love List. It’s basically a big favorites roundup, with everything I’ve currently been loving. I feel like it’s a fun way to do a mini life update while also sharing recommendations!
august themes + intentions
Hi!!! It’s been a minute. I’ve had such a busy summer and had so many fun things going on, but I’ve definitely neglected my blog for the past few months. I finished with my sophomore year of college at the end of April, then went on a little beach trip with my family and worked for a couple of weeks in May. Then, in the middle of May, I started my summer job at a local camp, which was a new experience for me! It was really hard at first but I ended up loving it. I was a counselor for a range of ages throughout the summer, but my favorite were the 16/17 year old girls. Then, last week, my sister and I went on a mission trip with our church to El Ocote, Honduras! I’ve been twice already, but I haven’t been in three years, and it was so cool to go back and see the people of the village again. Now that we’re back home, I have less than two weeks before I move back to college, and I’m starting to get back into a routine and productive mindset.
march goals + intentions
You guys, I’m so happy that it’s March! I definitely wouldn’t call March one of my favorite months by any means, but it is a glimmer of hope after a long, cold winter. I absolutely hate the cold and the gloom of the winter, and it really gets me down sometimes. March to me is a transition month into warmer weather, springtime, sunshine, and new growth, so I’m very excited! I don’t know if this happens to other people, but I feel like I get so motivated at the beginning of January, then get overwhelmed with stresses of school and the gloomy weather and kind of fall off track. I always love a start of a new month to set new goals and new intentions, but especially when it’s also about to be the start of a new season! Last week it was suchhhhh good weather. It got up to 80 degrees on Sunday, and it makes me so excited for it to be warm full time. I’ve been brainstorming new creative ideas, trying to start new habits and hold myself to them, and stay focused with my health goals. I just really want to use this month to work on myself and get in a good routine with my life!
my recent iced coffee recipe
A year ago today, I never would have thought of writing this post. I used to never drink coffee, I hated the taste and never grew up drinking it. While I still am not obsessed with it, I’ve gotten more into coffee over the past few months and have been experimenting with different combos! I only drink it a couple times a week, if I’m especially tired or have a busy day ahead. I’m not huge on the taste, and definitely couldn’t drink it black, but I’m making progress at least, haha. Back in Christmas break, I was drinking it with a sugar free vanilla creamer and one of those sugar free vanilla syrups. It was definitely delicious, but it masked the coffee taste completely and just had a bunch of fake sweeteners and additives. I’ve slowly been trying to wean myself off of the different syrups and flavorings and try more natural ingredients. I find that my stomach feels much better and I’m actually starting to get used to the taste!
january recap + favorites
Does anyone else love reading people’s current favorites and things they’ve been loving recently? Whether it’s watching someone’s insta story about their recent favorite books or talking with a friend about what show they’ve been watching, I love getting recommendations and learning about new products. My sister and I actually just planned out a podcast episode going into detail about lots of our recent favorites, and it inspired me to do a blog post about it as well. If you didn’t know, I have a podcast, Seasons Podcast, and I’ve been getting so inspired recently and just posted a new episode! Be on the lookout for the next episode with my sister, but for now, enjoy all my January faves!
2020 recap + goal update
I think 2020 was the fastest year of my life. It’s so crazy how fast time flew by. I can remember being a kid and having some certain date to look forward to, like a trip or a birthday, and thinking it took FOREVER for even a couple of weeks to drag by. But now, I look back on 2020 and can’t believe that an entire year has passed by. It’s weird, it feels like 2020 was like three different years in one, but it still went by at double speed. This year was filled with so many ups and downs, and so much change and uncertainty due to the virus, but I feel like I grew so much and experienced so many new things! It’s always fun to look back at the year, because I forget so many little things I did back at the beginning of 2020. I also wanted to reflect on my goals from this past year and whether or not I accomplished them!
current favorite podcasts
I’ve been listening to podcasts for a few years now, but this past year I’ve been super into them and I’ve found so many new ones. I love having them on in the background when I’m cleaning or doing chores, driving, or on my runs! I knew I had listened to a bunch of podcasts this year, but I didn’t realize how many I was actually listening to until I got my 2020 Spotify Wrapped. I had listened to over 27,000 minutes of podcasts alone… over 450 hours of podcasts, oh my gosh. I have a few favorites that I listen to every time they come out, and then a few that I listen to at random times, so I thought today I would do a little wrap up of all my favorites!
fall 2020 playlist
Summer is definitely my favorite season, but fall is a close second. I just love the coziness and happiness of pumpkin carving, leaves changing, holidays, just all the autumn vibes. It’s definitely not fall here yet, the high is literally 93 today, but it’s been a little cooler in the mornings and the Halloween candy is out at Kroger, so I’m officially in the fall mood. I make a fall playlist almost every year, and this one is a mix of so many different songs. I feel like last year’s was full of more slow, sad songs, and this one is a little more upbeat. It’s a mix of more alternative artists, like Lumineers or Mumford and Sons, older music like Tiny Dancer, and then some newer songs from more pop artists. I love putting this on when I’m driving around town or in the background as I’m doing homework or cleaning around the house!
September Goals
Hi everyone, long time no post! I really didn’t mean to, but I realized I didn’t post at all the whole month of August. It was a reallyyyyy busy month for me, between my last two weeks of summer juggling work and prepping to move in, then starting my sophomore year of college and trying to get in a good routine to balance my schoolwork. I hate being inconsistent, whether it’s on my blog, instagram, or youtube channel, but it can be so hard to balance it all while also doing schoolwork and taking time to read and unplug, as well. Anyway, I have been really excited for the month of September and I thought I would share my ten goals for the month! Even though it’s still sooo hot outside, September signals the start of fall for me, which I’m so excited for. Overall, I really want to get more in the fall mood and focus on getting into a healthy routine with college classes!
Photo Diary No. 3
Hello and welcome back to another photo diary post! These are some of my favorite posts, because they are basically a big recap of the past few months with lots of fun pictures. I absolutely love taking pictures/videos to have to look back on, and it was a goal of mine for this year to be more intentional with taking pictures and capturing memories. Since I haven’t done one of these in a while, this will be a bigger photo dump than usual, but I cant wait to do one at the end of the summer with all my summer pics!
My Favorite Summer Outfit
One of the biggest reasons I love summer is the summer fashion and the outfits that I can put together. I’d much rather wear a tank top than a sweater, so I’m so glad to finally be able to wear my summer closet again. I usually gravitate towards a denim skirt or shorts with a graphic tee, but I really want to get into wearing more dresses this summer! They’re easy to throw on, but they make it look like you tried hard on your outfit without much effort! There’s a dress I got last year from Target that I wear nonstop, so I really want to expand my dress collection and buy more! I bought this one from Forever 21 a few weeks ago and it’s definitely my new favorite!