If you know me, you know that I’ve never really been into makeup. I rarely ever wear it, and “getting ready” usually means swiping on some mascara and brow gel. Thankfully, I have pretty clear skin, and so I kind of just let my skincare routine slip and never really put much thought into trying new products. But for some reason, over the past month or so, I’ve started to get more into makeup and taking better care of my skin. I think it’s because since I’m back at home, I’ve been working at a boutique almost every day. It’s fun to have something to dress up and get ready for, and I’ve started to develop a makeup routine (even if it’s very minimal haha). Today I wanted to share some of the products I’ve been using recently, plus some that are on my list to try in the future.
Month: December 2021
christmas brunch menu
How are there only three days until Christmas? The holiday season has flown by. I’ve been home for a little over a week now, and it’s been so nice to relax for a bit and spend time with family/my hometown friends. I’ve been working a lot at a local boutique, finishing up my Christmas shopping, working on my online class, and doing lots of baking! Yesterday, our family went to Memphis to see Hamilton at the Orpheum- it was so good! I was curious how it would compare to the original, since it’s a whole new cast. It was really similar, but each character put their own twist on their lines, which was cool. It was such a fun Christmas outing. With Christmas coming up so soon, we’ve finally started planning the Christmas brunch menu. Every Christmas morning, my grandmother, uncle, and cousin come over and we all have a huge brunch, then open presents. We have a few items that we have every year, like monkey bread, but we’re trying a few new recipes this year too!
fall semester recap + winter break goals
I’m officially done with fall semester and out for winter break! I don’t think it’s really hit me yet that fall semester is over, it seriously flew by. It feels like one month ago that I was moving into my apartment and starting classes, not four, haha. I don’t have any crazy plans for winter break, but I want to focus on relaxing, spending time with friends and family, and having more time to work on my side projects. I can’t believe Christmas is less than two weeks away, how is it coming up so soon? I feel like I’ve been so focused on school and finals that I haven’t felt as in the Christmas mood like I usually am. I wanted to write a little recap of my junior year so far and brainstorm some fun things to do during the break!
winter reading list
It’s a chill Wednesday night as I’m writing this, and I have one more exam tomorrow before I am officially done with my fall semester of junior year! This semester flew by, I can’t believe it’s already December. This week started out super busy, because I had a big presentation and an exam back to back on Monday. Thankfully though, my other two exams this week haven’t required too much studying, so I’ve been able to chill and spend time with some friends before we all go home for break. I feel like I haven’t really been in the Christmas mood because my mind has only been consumed with finals and tests and projects, so I can’t wait to get a break and enjoy the holiday season. Today’s post is my winter reading list, which was so fun to create! I did one of these a few months ago for fall, and I checked a lot of them off. Now that I’ll have more time to relax, I’m excited to start reading and tackle this list.
my 6:30 a.m. college morning routine
Happy December everyone! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with family. I’m back at school for another week or so for finals, and I’m so ready for Christmas break! Thanksgiving break was so fun, I got to go home earlier than I expected and spent the week relaxing and spending time with my fam. I took a few shifts at the boutique I’ve worked at since high school, baked lots of goodies for Thanksgiving, played card games with my siblings, and had lots of movie nights. We set out Christmas tree up and decorated the house, which really got me into full holiday mode. Not going to lie, it’s always tough to come back to school for finals after Christmas break. I was in such a relaxed, holiday mood and now I’m stressed with papers and exams and final projects, haha. Anyway, today’s post is all about my recent college morning routine! I’ve been consistent with this routine for a little over a month now, and I feel like I’ve finally found a routine that works for me and my schedule.