As I was looking through some of my old posts the other day, I realize that while I do share a lot of life updates and personal posts, I don’t share that many of my own photos. I used to take pictures all the time of my outfits specifically for the blog, but I haven’t really found time to do that in forever, and I never really had any other pictures that I thought were cute enough to add to posts. I really want to start adding more of my own photos, even if they are just random snapshots. So I went back through my camera roll over the past month or so and collected a bunch of pictures I thought I’d share + explain. It’s kind of a life update and photo dump all in one!
Month: April 2019
Summer Style Inspo
I know we still have a couple of months until summer, but the warmer the weather gets, the more I start to look forward to summer fashion. I’m so ready to put away all my sweaters and bring out the shorts and tank tops. I feel like I say it every year, but this summer I’m really going to try to step out with my style. It’s so easy to reach for the nike shorts and t-shirts every time I’m going somewhere, but I really want to wear cuter clothes and put more effort into my looks. Pinterest is my biggest source of inspo for outfit ideas, but it can be dangerous because I immediately want to buy any of the clothes I come across. 😉
My Recent Everyday Essentials
Happy Friday everyone! It’s an early weekend for me because of the Good Friday holiday, and it was nice to finish school yesterday and remember that I didn’t have school the next day. Then I found out we don’t have school Monday either, which was definitely a nice surprise! I’m super excited about this Easter weekend. Tonight my family is driving up to Clinton, where we used to live, to spend the night and visit some old friends, and hopefully Saturday we can do a little shopping. Oxford doesn’t have a Target, so any trip to a bigger town means a Target run is inevitable :). Then later on Saturday afternoon we’re going to visit family on my dad’s mom’s side for Easter, and the next day is one of my favorite holidays! I’ve always loved Easter and the traditions behind it. We do easter baskets and the morning church service, and then around lunch I think we are going to our other grandparent’s house for the annual egg hunt. You’re never too old for Easter egg hunts, right?
Hello April + Spring Bucket List
Spring is finally here! After a long, dreary winter, it makes me so happy to see the sun shining and flowers blooming when I step outside. The temperatures have been slowly but surely rising, and when I checked the weather for this week, it’s supposed to be high 70s every day! I’m really looking forward to April. I plan to spend as much time outside as I can and take full advantage of the sun. It’s also my last full month of school left before graduation, so I’m going to try and do as many fun things with my friends as possible before we all go our separate ways.