It’s a freezing cold, rainy day as I type this, and I’m wishing for summer more than ever. I’m definitely a warm weather girl, and winter hits me hard every year. I think I overlooked the cold when I was home for winter break, because it was the holidays and cozy and not ~too~ cold yet. But being back at school for spring semester, the past few weeks have been very cold and gloomy and I’ve been very uninspired. I was so motivated when I wrote out my 2023 goals, and the first few weeks of January I felt like I was on my grind. But the past few weeks I’ve definitely found myself slipping and feeling really lazy, and I think it has a lot to do with the weather. I really want to pull myself out of this little rut and re-motivate myself, and that really comes down to discipline and not letting the weather affect me so much! Today’s post is a roundup of things I do/am trying to do this winter to stay inspired and happy in the cold winter months.
Month: January 2023
graduation dress roundup
This morning I applied for graduation… what?!? I graduate college in May, which is just insane to me. I still don’t think it’s fully hit me that this is my last semester, because I still feel like I’m a sophomore in my head, haha. I just had my first week of classes of spring semester, and I’m really looking forward to the next few months! I always enjoy spring semester, with the weather starting to warm up, baseball games, and new classes. I just want to make the most of it and soak it all up! I need to schedule senior pictures soon, and I know people usually wear white dresses for pictures/the graduation ceremony. I found so many cute dresses on Revolve that I’m trying to decide between- all for under $100!
recent skincare/makeup favorites
I never used to really be into skincare, and I just washed my face with water in the shower or some random face wash from years ago. But over the past few months, I’ve really gotten into trying new skincare and makeup products, and I love having a morning and night skincare routine each day! I’m still no skincare expert by any means, but I like to find products with simple ingredients that are gentle on my face. I also have so many more items on my wishlist that I’ve heard good things about and want to try in the future!
2023 goals + intentions
I know I’m over a week late with this post, but I always love reflecting on my goals and having these posts to look back on! It’s still crazy to me that we are in 2023, I feel like last year flew by. I finished up my junior year of college, went on a family trip to the mountains, nannied in New York all summer, started my senior year and a new internship, and finished my capstone class- it was a big year! I have a feeling 2023 will be even more exciting tho. I’m studying abroad over spring break, graduating in May, and (hopefully) finding a job and moving to a new city…scary but exciting at the same time. I always like the idea of a new year and a fresh start, and I’ve been trying to stay motivated to start new habits and add some new lifestyle changes. Read on for some of my top goals of the year!
my top 22 books of 2022
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love reading, and I think 2022 was my biggest reading year ever. I didn’t even intend to read as much as I did, but I read 110 books throughout the year, and found some new favorites! I love how reading has become part of my daily routine, from finding 20 minutes to read between classes to reading a few chapters before bed. I tried to explore some new genres this year, and I read fantasy for the first time in forever. I also re-read some old favorites, some great Christian books, and found my new favorite duology! This was hard to narrow down, but today I’m sharing my 22 favorite books I read in 2022!