I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually did it- I started a podcast! I’ve been listening to podcasts for around two years now, and it’s always been an idea in the back of my mind that it would be cool to have one of my own. I always told myself there was no way I could actually go through with it: it would be too hard to keep up with, I don’t have the equipment, I hate my voice on tape, the excuses went on and on. But thank you, Dad, for motivating me to just go for it, because I’m so glad I did! I’m so excited to announce that my podcasts, Seasons Podcast, is up on spotify and apple podcasts now!
Month: January 2020
Healthy College Grocery List + Easy Meal Ideas
Now that I’ve been at college for a few months now, I’ve started to get into a routine and carve out times for cooking in my dorm. It’s not exactly meal prep, but it’s always nice to have food on hand for whenever I want to heat it up or refrigerate it for later. There are three dining halls on campus that I rotate between, but they don’t always have the best options, and sometimes I don’t feel like leaving the dorm. We have a microwave and full fridge in our dorm, and then down the hall is a kitchen with a stove/oven. It definitely takes a little extra effort, but eating healthy as a college student doesn’t have to be that hard!
Bullet Journal Ideas
For a while now, I’ve really been interested in starting a bullet journal. I love looking at the organized spreads of bullet journal layouts and getting inspo from instagram and pinterest for different page ideas. I have a planner that I use every day for my to do lists and homework, so I wouldn’t necessarily use my bullet journal for that. It would be more like an art/creativity journal: goals, doodles, quotes, habit tracker, things like that. Be warned for the photo overload, but today I’m sharing lots of inspo and ideas that I’m thinking about implementing into my own bullet journal when I start it!
Winter Break Recap
As I type this, I’m back in Starkville, posted up at my usual coffee shop, at a booth by the window. I’m definitely sad to be back at school, but I had such an amazing three weeks at home for winter break and I wanted to share a little recap! Winter break kind of felt like it was split into two parts: the craziness leading up to Christmas, and then the calm, lazy days after Christmas ended. I honestly can’t decide which half was my favorite! I loved the holiday spirit, buying presents and baking with all the Christmas festivities, but it was so nice to have almost two weeks to chill and enjoy the time at home.
2020 Goals and Resolutions
Happy New Year! I know it can be overhyped and cheesy sometimes, but I seriously love the feeling of a new year and a new beginning. A fresh start always makes me feel so motivated and inspired. I want to do a full 2019 recap post soon, but it was overall a pretty good year for me. It was definitely one of the most eventful years of my life, so much happened in such a short amount of time. I didn’t accomplish all my goals from 2019, but I definitely grew as a person and had so many new experiences. This year, I really want to focus on my goals throughout the entire year, not just the beginning of the semester. I’m going to print out my goals and paste them around so I’ll have a constant reminder of what I’m working towards. I really hope I can look back at the end of 2020 and be proud of what I’ve accomplished and who I’ve become.
2020 Reading List
How is it already the end of 2019? The saying about how time goes by quicker once you’re older is definitely true. This was probably the fastest year of my life, time just flew by. I can clearly remember myself this time last year, prepping for 2019 and writing out my goals. Now not only is it about to be a new year, it’s about to be a whole new decade! I’m so excited for 2020. I’m going to be sharing my list of goals/resolutions in a later post, but today I wanted to share my reading list for the year. I just love reading. So much. I never really made time to read during school but while I’ve been home on break I’ve already read 3 books (and counting!). I say it every year, but I’m really going to try to read more this year, and there are so many good books out there that I want to start!