For the past month or two, I feel like I’ve been really consistent with my routines and been better at keeping up with healthy habits. I am someone who thrives off of a routine and plan, and I feel my best when I follow a few healthy habits and have structure to my day. I have tried so many different “health practices,” whether it’s different workout styles, ways of eating, morning routines/wakeup times, supplements, etc. I definitely don’t have it all figured out by any means, but the recent products + habits I’ve been keeping up with have really made a difference! I feel like the biggest thing that has helped me is consistency and doing my best to keep up with my healthy routines, even if I don’t always feel like it. Balance is important, but I find that I crave getting back on track with these habits after a few days without them!
Category Archives: Health
my favorite ways to work out
I’ve pretty much always been active, ever since I was a girl. I started playing soccer when I was three years old, and ran cross country/track and played soccer all through high school. I loved running so much, and being on the cross country team was definitely one of my favorite parts of my high school years. When I graduated and went to college, I definitely missed the discipline and motivation that came from being on a team. I went from having practice at least once a day, if not twice, to having no coach tell me when or how to work out. I definitely still love movement though, so it’s been fun to challenge myself and set my own goals when it comes to getting exercise. I’ve tried lots of different workouts and different types of classes, but I definitely have a few favorites!
Daily Workouts + Summer Health Goals
Ever since this past fall during cross country season, I have gotten suuuuper into running. I’ve always run cross country and enjoyed it, but I’ve almost always had bad shin problems so it was super painful to run. This season I was able to run almost pain free, so I ran so much more than my other seasons and really fell in love with it. While I ran a lot, I didn’t actually do many other workouts/strength training. We did some in cross country season, but I realized that October was the last time I did regular plyometrics! A few days ago I got a sudden burst of motivation to start doing daily workouts and get into a regular workout routine. Hopefully I can keep up the motivation and stick with my health goals, especially with summer fast approaching!
The Benefits of Lemon Water
Hello everyone! Today’s post is about one of my new finds: lemon water. Of course I’ve heard of it before, but I never really drank it until just recently. I really want to make a habit of drinking it every morning to start my day. I’ve heard that it’s really beneficial and has so many rejuvenating qualities! One of my main things I want to start doing is having a cup of lemon water by my bed or in my bathroom. That way, when I wake up in the morning, I can go ahead and start my day with a fresh cup of it! I also have found some fun ways to drink it throughout the day, even when I’m at school and am not at the place I can go cut up a lemon ;). Keep reading for more tips!
Getting Ready for Summer
It’s getting closer and closer to summer, with only about one more month before it’s time to break the swimsuits out and put the sweatpants away. It’s already starting to get in the 80s where I live, and it’s only going to get hotter! I’ve already been wearing tanks and shorts. I can’t wait for summer! Today’s post is about a few tips to get ready for summer! Some of these take work, but if you can stay motivated and not quit, you can reach your goal and have the body you want for the summer season!
Having a Healthy Night Routine
Hello everyone! Today’s post is about having a healthy night routine. Sometimes my nights can get so busy and stressful if they are filled with homework and practices and preparing for the next day. It can get to be ten or eleven o’clock before I even go to sleep, and then the next morning I wake up tired and groggy. Recently I’ve (kinda) been able to manage my work and get all of my homework done before it gets too late, so I can relax the rest of the night. Here are a few tips and tricks you can try to have a better night routine.
Easy Ab Workout
Hello everyone! I’m so sorry that I didn’t have any posts up last week. It was so busy for me and I had so many things to do! Summer and Spring Break are coming up, so everyone is probably going to start trying to get into shape and get ready for the hot season! That’s why today’s post is about a quick and (sorta) easy ab workout to do when you have an extra ten minutes to spare. Just find some space on the floor to work and that’s all you need!
Hope this was helpful! Just do this sometime during your day everyday until you get results and get fit for summer!
Drinking More Water
One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to drink more water, and I think it was definitely a good goal to keep in mind. Water has a lot of benefits and I hadn’t been drinking as much as I should, so it was important that I started drinking more of it. So far, I’ve been doing pretty well at drinking water throughout the day, but I should definitely drink more of it. I’m either not thirsty or never think about it, but I need to start remembering. Water can help me stay hydrated through all the sports I play, so I will be prepared for track that I have after school. Water can also help keep your skin clear, flush out toxins in the body, and can satisfy hunger while also being the healthier option. I would also recommend trying different fruits to put in it, that way it’s not plain water all the time. Another fun thing to help you drink more water is to have a cute water bottle. I have a Camelbak bottle, but I also really like the S’Well water bottles, especially the “Santorini” one in the middle.
What’s your favorite water bottle? Do you drink water? Comment below!
Healthy Snacks
Eating snacks throughout the day is a habit. I usually have lunch at around 11:30 at school, and get hungry later. That means I want a bite to eat before soccer practice later in the afternoon. The thing is, I can’t be eating any unhealthy snacks right before I go out to practice for two hours! Some good options are fruits and other foods that provide protein, since I would be about to go out and run around. I made a list of some delicious and easy snacks for when you’re hungry and on the go.
Giving Back
This holiday season, everyone is making lists, decorating, visiting family, and making lots of yummy food. While all of those things are very fun to do, there is a much bigger meaning behind Christmas. Some people don’t have enough money for Christmas presents or Christmas dinner. Others might be cold and without heat or blankets during the winter. There are so many things to do this holiday season to give back to your community.