Does anyone else love reading people’s current favorites and things they’ve been loving recently? Whether it’s watching someone’s insta story about their recent favorite books or talking with a friend about what show they’ve been watching, I love getting recommendations and learning about new products. My sister and I actually just planned out a podcast episode going into detail about lots of our recent favorites, and it inspired me to do a blog post about it as well. If you didn’t know, I have a podcast, Seasons Podcast, and I’ve been getting so inspired recently and just posted a new episode! Be on the lookout for the next episode with my sister, but for now, enjoy all my January faves!
Month: January 2021
my recent college morning routine
I’m definitely a person that thrives off of being in consistent routines. I like to relax and be spontaneous at times, but I always love settling back into my routine and feeling at least a tiny bit more in control of my life. Over the past year or so, I’ve really tried to establish good routines in my life and experiment with what makes me feel best! My morning routine is one of the most calming parts of my day. It changes all the time, depending on if I’m at home vs. school, how much time I have to get ready, summer vs. winter, and things like that, but having at least some structure to my morning makes such a difference. I find that I start my day on a positive foot, I’m calmer, and feel more productive simply by making the time to follow a morning routine.
2021 goals + intentions
I absolutely love goal setting and setting new intentions, wether it be for a new year, week, or even just intentions for the day. It’s not that I always follow through with my resolutions or change my life every time I try a new habit, but there is something so motivating about sitting down and brainstorming new goals. I know this is a little late, seeing as we’re already 15 days into January, but it’s honestly been good for me to revisit my goals that I made a couple of weeks ago and check in on my progress. This is something I need to get better at: keeping myself accountable for my goals and reminding myself of my goals throughout the year, not just in January. Maybe this will serve as a little reminder to check in on your goals too!
2020 recap + goal update
I think 2020 was the fastest year of my life. It’s so crazy how fast time flew by. I can remember being a kid and having some certain date to look forward to, like a trip or a birthday, and thinking it took FOREVER for even a couple of weeks to drag by. But now, I look back on 2020 and can’t believe that an entire year has passed by. It’s weird, it feels like 2020 was like three different years in one, but it still went by at double speed. This year was filled with so many ups and downs, and so much change and uncertainty due to the virus, but I feel like I grew so much and experienced so many new things! It’s always fun to look back at the year, because I forget so many little things I did back at the beginning of 2020. I also wanted to reflect on my goals from this past year and whether or not I accomplished them!