With it warming up and spring on the way, I feel like my mood has done a complete 180. Even though I’ve been very busy and had a lot going on, I have felt so much better and in a more positive mood the past few weeks, and I know it has to do with the weather. I was so tired of walking to class in the cold, dreary rain or getting home from work and it already being dark. I love that the sun goes down later and the weather is nicer. Tulips are planted all around campus, and it seems like everything is coming alive again! I only have about four more weeks left of the spring semester, and I want to take advantage of the good weather as much as possible! I came up with some fun ideas, a sort of spring mood board, to get me inspired for the season. I want to take better care of myself, eat well and workout more, be outside as much as possible, and make time for fun. I feel like I’ve gotten so consumed with schoolwork and my usual schedule that I haven’t stopped to appreciate the weather and all the fun that comes with a new season!