Happy June everyone! This is probably my favorite month of the year, for so many reasons. I love summer and the warm weather, the pool is open, no school, and my birthday is in just a few days! (the 4th!) I just made my summer bucket list last night and it’s making me so excited to really take advantage of this summer and try to do as much as possible. I really want to focus on growing my lifestyle/fashion instagram and be proud of my pictures and feed. I want to read lots of books and spend lots of time in the sun. I want to spend time with my friends and meet up with old friends from high school. I’m getting so motivated and excited for this month, so here are my top 10 goals for June!
Category Archives: Favorites
Summer Vibes Playlist
I’m officially done with classes, the temps are 80s all week long, and the pool is opening in a few weeks… it’s summer! If you know me, you know summer is my all time favorite season. Ugh, it just makes me so happy that it’s finally summer and I have over 3 whole months of no school! Unfortunately, most of my summer plans got canceled, so I’m just planning on working at my local boutique job, reading at the pool, and spending lots of time with family/friends! Today’s post is my new summer playlist, and it’s been on repeat all week. I made a playlist back in April and it’s more of summer bops and popular songs, but this one is new and it’s more vibey and chill. Let me know if you give it a listen!
May Goals + Intentions
Happy May! I always feel so inspired and motivated at the beginning of each month, and this month is no exception. I always love planning and setting goals for my life, and being done with school and the summer weather is making me even more inspired. I had a really good April, but towards the end of the month, I kind of lost motivation and discipline to stay healthy. I had such a good planning session a few days ago to write out my May goals and intentions, and I journaled a bit about the month ahead. One of my big goals of the month is to be intentional- to be aware of how I’m spending my time and really work on myself!
DIY Projects I Want to Try
Happy weekend! At this point the days are all starting to run together, and there isn’t much difference between the weekend and the regular days of the week. To be honest, I kind of like the regular weekdays more, because I feel more productive and motivated with my to do list of school stuff. Next week, I have two exams, and then I’m officially done with my freshman year! It’s so crazy. My schedule has been to get most of my school stuff done in the mornings before lunch, and then have the afternoons free for projects, working out, and more “fun” activities. Once my classes wrap up next week, I’ll have even more free time, and I really want to try to stay motivated and not just sit on my computer all day. So I took to Pinterest and rounded up some fun DIY and creative projects to try, enjoy!
productive things to do during quarantine
Is anyone else getting super bored after being stuck at home for so long? I think it’s now week 3 (or is it 4?) of quarantine and staying inside, and I’m definitely starting to lose motivation. To be honest, I didn’t mind it too much at first, and it was nice to have an extra week of spring break. But now that online classes have started up and I’ve gotten into more of a routine, I’ve just been feeling kind of uninspired and lazy. I’m the kind of person who always likes to be doing something and crossing tasks off my to do list, so I hate just laying around the house and not feeling like I’m making any progress with my goals. Today’s post is a big list of things to do while stuck at home, and I’m honestly excited to have this to look back on and check things off whenever I get bored!
Spring 2020 Morning Routine
Let’s just start off by saying this is definitely my ideal morning routine, but I definitely don’t stick with it every day. However, it’s always motivating for me to write out my morning routine and get inspired to follow my “dream morning routine” if you will. Since everyone is at home right now and colleges have closed because of the corona virus, my classes are now all online and I’ve had to make a new schedule for myself. It’s definitely harder to stay productive when I’m not required to go to certain classes at certain times, and I’m often tempted to spend the day on Netflix or chilling at home. But let me tell you- online classes are NOT easy. I thought it would be a lot easier than regular classes, but it’s actually a lot more work than I thought it would be. Keeping a consistent morning routine is key for me to start the day with a productive mindset and get everything done!
February Recap + Favorites
Happy March! Whenever I think of March, I think of spring, and I can’t wait for sunny weather and blooming flowers everywhere. February in one word- RAIN. It rained so much all month. There were a few super cold days, but most were in the fifties with cloudy skies and pouring rain every single week. I’m so ready for sunshine and warm weather and growing plants that comes with spring! February actually went by pretty quickly, but it was also a jam-packed month for me. I feel like I’m finally getting into my routine with my new college schedule and how I spend my days depending on how much free time I have. Last semester I got so overwhelmed with my schedule and priorities and extracurriculars and it’s nice to have a sense of time management and control over it all, haha. I don’t have too much going on in March, but spring break is less than a week away, and we are going to the beach for a few days, so that’s definitely something fun to look forward to!
Recent Eats Vol. 1
Hello everyone, and happy Friday! It’s been a very long, very busy week, but I’m so glad it’s the weekend. With spring break coming up (7 more days!), all my classes are having tests and midterm exams, so things have been super busy. I had five exams this week, and three were all back to back on Wednesday! This weekend is going to be filled with some much needed relaxation though, so I’m pumped. I’m going to my grandmother’s house tonight to chill and maybe watch a movie, and then tomorrow my family is actually coming to Tupelo for my brother’s soccer game, so I’ll get to see them too! I’m trying to finish all my weekend homework early so I can just chill all weekend. Anyway, today’s post is going to be a photo wrap-up of all the good food I’ve been eating recently! To be honest, I haven’t been eating very many unique or fun recipes unless it’s at a restaurant or at home where I have more space and ingredients to cook. I kind of just fall into a rut of eating the same foods and salad to go boxes from the dining hall whenever I’m at school. I can’t wait for next year when I’ll be living in an apartment and have space to cook as much as I want!
24 Hours in Nashville!
If you know me, you know my all time favorite band is the Lumineers. I can’t really remember the first time I heard them, just because I’ve grown up listening to them after my dad introduced me to their first album, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I love a wide range of music, from pop to Christian to folk, but Lumineers is something I could listen to anytime, anywhere, and not get bored. So when my parents told my sister and I we were going to Nashville for a Lumineers concert, I was so excited! I got out of class early on Wednesday and I don’t have any class at all Thursday, so the dates lined up perfectly and it was such a fun trip! I thought I’d do a little Nashville recap and share some of the things we did!
Amazon Legging Wishlist + Recent Workouts
Recently I’ve been on such a big amazon kick. I got the Prime Student free trial a few months ago and I didn’t realize what I was missing until now! It’s so nice to be able to order any random school supplies or gifts or snacks from amazon and have them in my campus PO box just a few days later. My free trial is almost over and I don’t know what I’m going to do when it’s over, honestly. I’m kind of considering if it’s worth it to get my own subscription. I have so many other random amazon favorites that I want to share in later posts, but today I’m sharing all the workout leggings I’ve been eyeing recently! I feel like I’ve been living in leggings the past couple of months for cold college days, and I only have a couple of pairs that I cycle through each week. I really like the pocket style of leggings, and I also want to try some in fun prints!
February Goals
I don’t know why, but I always feel like February is just a “filler month” for me, if that makes any sense. January is always a big goal month and a fresh start to the year, and March is the start of warm weather and spring break, but I never really look forward to February. I have a few fun things planned for the month, and school is starting to pick up again in busyness, but other than that it’s going to be pretty chill. I’m really trying to continue my motivation and goals from January into this month and stay inspired this month.
January Recap
Happy February! I would usually say I can’t believe how fast the last month went by, but that is definitely not the case for January. Did anyone else feel like January dragged on forever? Not that it was a bad month for me, but I felt like January was three months in one, haha. It was actually a really good month though, with lots of new opportunities, new goals, and new experiences. I have so much to catch up on- my goals recap, a little recap of everything I did, and my monthly favorites!
I Started A Podcast!
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually did it- I started a podcast! I’ve been listening to podcasts for around two years now, and it’s always been an idea in the back of my mind that it would be cool to have one of my own. I always told myself there was no way I could actually go through with it: it would be too hard to keep up with, I don’t have the equipment, I hate my voice on tape, the excuses went on and on. But thank you, Dad, for motivating me to just go for it, because I’m so glad I did! I’m so excited to announce that my podcasts, Seasons Podcast, is up on spotify and apple podcasts now!
Bullet Journal Ideas
For a while now, I’ve really been interested in starting a bullet journal. I love looking at the organized spreads of bullet journal layouts and getting inspo from instagram and pinterest for different page ideas. I have a planner that I use every day for my to do lists and homework, so I wouldn’t necessarily use my bullet journal for that. It would be more like an art/creativity journal: goals, doodles, quotes, habit tracker, things like that. Be warned for the photo overload, but today I’m sharing lots of inspo and ideas that I’m thinking about implementing into my own bullet journal when I start it!