It’s been so long since my last post, and honestly I know I say this every time but I have been extremely busy. In the two to three weeks leading up to spring break, teachers have started new lessons and chapters and then to finish off our units, this week I had 7 tests! But I finally finished up my last little bit of work today and I have a week off for Spring Break! I’m not doing anything super exciting, and sadly, I’m not taking a big trip or going to the beach. But I still want to make the Spring Break count and do a lot of fun things. A few weeks ago I was bored in class so I made a Spring Break bucket list of some things I want to try out and do. I’m always up for more ideas so be sure to let me know what you’re doing for Spring Break in the comments below!
Tag Archives: fun
Fun Patterned Socks
At the beginning of the school year, I had planned to try to dress nice almost every day. I had a bunch of outfits planned out and I organized my closet and got rid of stuff I no longer wear. I was going to try and make it the whole school year (or at least the first semester) wearing cute, nicer clothes. There are still some days that I wear those things, but I definitely haven’t been dressing up everyday like I had originally planned. On my lazy days when I wear something more laid back, it’s always fun to brighten up the outfit with a pair of fun socks! I see so many cute ones everywhere around school, and I’ve compiled a few of my favorites down below! Enjoy!
Productive Things to do in Winter Break
I know during winter break, there’s finally time to sleep as late as you want, lay in bed all day, and watch as much Netflix as you want, and that’s not bad! But the break is also a time that you can use to catch up on some chores, try new things, and get active. It can be really hard to be productive during break, especially after sitting around for so long. This was me just a few days ago! I’ve been so lazy all break until I finally decided to start getting stuff done! I already feel so much better and more on top of everything. Today’s post includes tips for finding motivation and fun/productive things you can do during the last few days of freedom, enjoy!
The Ultimate Fall Bucket List
Now that fall is in full swing, there are so many fun things to do to embrace this beautiful season. The weather is perfect, the scenery is gorgeous, and the activities are endless. I feel like it just now hit me that it’s actually fall. Here we are at the end of October and I’m finally acknowledging the weather. It’s only just now getting cooler, which I’m really happy about! It’s so pretty outside, so I recommend getting out the door and trying something new! Today I’m sharing my fall bucket list, I hope you enjoy!
Fall Adventuring with United Tees
One reason I love the fall is because it’s the perfect weather. It’s not too hot that you get overheated and sweaty, but it’s not too cold that you freeze your toes off. There’s a nice breeze, the temperature is cool but not too chilly, and the sun is still shining up above. Fall is the best time for camping trips, hikes, and afternoon adventures. There’s a lake not too far from my house, and this past weekend my brothers and I walked down to it and explored a bit. I wore some nike shorts and one of my favorite new shirts from United Tees. Their fall collection just came out and their new line is the cutest!
The Friday Five
Hello everyone! It sure has been a while since my last Friday Five, and I’m so sorry about that! This week has actually been a pretty good week! I changed my alarm so I could sleep later, and I’m not as tired anymore! I didn’t have a crazy amount of tests, so my homework wasn’t a huge overload. And I’m just looking ahead to summer and counting down the days! There are only 31 actual school days left of the semester! How great is that! We only have about 5 weeks of school left and I couldn’t be more excited! Down below I have some of my favorite things that I saw or that happened throughout the week- read on!
Spring Break Ideas/Places to Go
I am so so excited for Spring Break, I honestly cannot wait! For my school its only a week and a half away, and I’m so ready to be out of school! I don’t really think I’ll be doing anything interesting while I’m out of school. I’ll probably just catch up on some sleep, try making some new recipes, and relax. Although I’m not going anywhere far away, that doesn’t mean you can’t! Coming up is a list of fun places and things to do during Spring Break.