Finally. We’re done with this busy week and I couldn’t be happier. Did this week seem unusually long for anyone else? Maybe it was because I got used to the short week last week from Labor day, but this week seemed to drag by. I was extremely busy all week with cross country, school, and babysitting. This weekend, I have a cross country meet most of the day Saturday, and then Sunday I’m probably going to see a movie and hang out with a friend. Desperately trying to get all my homework done by tonight so I don’t have any homework over the weekend!
Tag Archives: weekend
The Friday Five
It sure has been a while since my last Friday Five! This week has been really busy, I was surprised at how much homework I’ve had this week, plus some to do over the weekend! This week was filled with lots of soccer: my team had a few games and practices, and we made it to the playoffs! I’m super excited about this, especially since we won state last year and have a good chance we can do it again. Besides homework, I have a few fun things I’m doing this weekend, and I’m so glad it’s finally Friday! I found a few fun links this week, read on for more!
The Friday Five
This week thankfully hasn’t been too stressful! I only had one or two quizzes and not that much homework, which I’m so thankful for. I finally have a break from cross country, there’s no meet this weekend, so I want to try and take advantage of the free weekend and do something fun! District is next weekend, and state is in two weeks, and I’m getting more nervous about it as every day passes! I’ve been trying to train hard and get ready for the next couple of weeks, they’re going to be really tough! I found some great links this week, read on for more details!
The Friday Five
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! Sorry I’ve been a little MIA this week, I’ve been super busy with school and sports recently. Today I’m leaving at 12 to head to Alabama for my first away cross country meet, and I’m super excited! It’s a really fun race and the course is great, people usually get PRs there, which is what I’m aiming to do. After the race, we’ll come home and I’ll get right back to studying, studying, studying because I have a test next Monday! The schoolwork never ends- read on for my favorite links of the week!
The Friday Five
Hello everyone! Who’s excited for the weekend? I definitely am, I don’t have any meets or games this weekend and I can relax and catch up on some other things I need to get done. This week seemed like it went by super fast since we got Labor Day off. If only every week could go by this quick! I’ve been doing a lot of training for cross country since the season has finally begun and we are getting into the routine of practices and meets and recovery. I actually had to take an ice bath the other day to help heal my shins, and it was SO COLD! As I said before, I’m so glad for the weekend, so let’s just get started with my favorite links!
The Friday Five
Wow, it’s been another crazy week. It seems as if I just get busier and busier! This week I’ve had so many tests and quizzes and I’m really happy it’s finally Friday! This weekend, I have my first cross country meet of the season! It’s in Memphis, TN, and it’s a night meet. We run at about 8 pm, so thankfully it won’t be so hot out by that time. I’m super nervous but also really excited! I was in a boot all summer so I wasn’t able to run much, so I’ve been just getting back into training. I’m glad I can start running again! This week I found some super fun links, read on to learn more!
The Friday Five
Wow, it sure has been awhile since my last Friday Five! Towards the end of spring I was busy with exam prep and lots of studying, over the summer I didn’t have my computer so posts didn’t go up as regularly, and my first two weeks of school have been so hectic and busy! Excuses aside, I’m here with a long awaited Friday Fives post for the first time in forever. This week has been another crazy week. Going back into school, I was expecting to start off slow and not be too busy. I was so wrong! I had three tests and two quizzes and homework every night- and that was just for the first week! Now that I’ve sort of developed a routine and a feel for how things are going to go this year, I’ve been able to settle down and start blogging again. Without further ado, read on for my Friday Fives!
The Friday Five
Hello everyone! It sure has been a while since my last Friday Five, and I’m so sorry about that! This week has actually been a pretty good week! I changed my alarm so I could sleep later, and I’m not as tired anymore! I didn’t have a crazy amount of tests, so my homework wasn’t a huge overload. And I’m just looking ahead to summer and counting down the days! There are only 31 actual school days left of the semester! How great is that! We only have about 5 weeks of school left and I couldn’t be more excited! Down below I have some of my favorite things that I saw or that happened throughout the week- read on!
The Recipe To A Perfect Day
Some weeks the meaningless, boring days seem to just drag by as we finish up the school year. But other days, the day seems to just fall together perfectly and nothing goes wrong. You can make those perfect days happen every day, it’s all up to you. If you can think positive and have the mindset that your day will be great, it really will be! There are so many things that could go wrong, but you can’t let them bother you. No matter how stressful your week may be, pick a day to make sure everything goes right, it’s all up to you.
The Friday Five
This week seemed to fly by, it’s crazy to think it’s already Friday. I’m not complaining though, hopefully this weekend I can catch up on some sleep. This week was thankfully not very busy. I didn’t have an overload of homework and soccer season is over. I went to track again and I started getting back into the routine of training. Our first meet is in just a few weeks! I had a few things that I saw and absolutely loved this week. Read on to see my Friday Five.
The Friday Five
This week seemed to go by so fast! It seems like only yesterday I was dragging myself out of the bed because it was Monday. This week was filled to the brim with soccer, soccer soccer. We had practice on Monday and Tuesday that lasted for two hours. This was because we were getting prepared for the North Half game on Wednesday. After a lot of hard work and determination, we won the game 6-0! This was the first time in school history that the girls’ soccer team ever went to State. This Saturday, we’ll play to see who is the best team in Mississippi! Other than soccer, I had some tests and quizzes in school, but not too much. This week was pretty laid back. I’m so glad it’s Friday!
The Friday Five
This week’s top five are some random things that I saw throughout the week and loved or were interesting to me. There’s a recipe, some shoes, some art, some clothes, and a quote that I really liked. I’m just picking some of my favorite things I saw this week and compiling them into this week’s Friday Five. Read on to discover some cool stuff.
The Friday Five
This week, I was very busy with school and soccer. I’ve had tests, quizzes, worksheets, notes and soccer games all week long! I am so glad it’s almost the weekend and I have some time off. One of the best parts is that my grandmother will be spending the entire weekend with us! I can’t wait to spend some time with her, and I’m sure we will do something fun! Looking back at this crazy week of school, there were a few things I just absolutely loved. The Friday Five consists of: my favorite clothing, shoes, or accessory of the week, a song, a bible verse, book, and a random item that I was obsessed with.