It was 55 degrees on my walk to class today, so I feel like fall is finally on its way here! I have been pretty busy with school the past few weeks and haven’t had as much time to read as I hoped, but I’m trying to be better about making more time for it! One thing that has helped me knock a few books off my list is listening to audiobooks, which I usually check out on Libby from my library for free. It’s nice to be able to have a book on in the background while driving, walking to class, or even cleaning/laundry. However, nothing compares to a physical copy of a book, and I think fall is the perfect time for cozying up with a good read! This list is a mix of thrillers, fantasy, and “dark academia” genres, which I don’t usually read. I feel like fall is the perfect time to try new genres and experiment with books that may be out of my comfort zone!
Tag Archives: fall
current cookbook: fall recipes to try!
Something about the weather cooling down and it getting colder just makes me want to bake and try new recipes. I like cooking and being in the kitchen in general, but I absolutely love the feeling of baking cozy fall recipes and cooking with friends or family on a cold day. I think a lot of fall recipes are geared towards all things pumpkin and apple, which I love, but I also love making cookies, soups, pasta recipes, and using fresh vegetables for harvest salads and things like that. Today’s post is a big roundup of some delicious fall recipes I want to make over the next few months!
fall 2020 bucket list
Guys, it’s actually feeling like fall for once! Last year, I feel like fall was maybe 2 weeks long, then it went straight to winter, which is my least favorite season. I love when the weather is mid 60s and 70s, where it’s pleasant to be outside but not so hot that you’re sweating just walking to class. The weather has still been a little up and down, where it’s super cold in the morning but then hot by lunch, but I’ll take it over winter any day! I love fall and all the coziness that comes with it. The weather is great, the foliage and colors outside are beautiful, and there are so many fun activities just specific to autumn; it’s the best. Even though I know I won’t get everything on this list done, it’s been so fun to brainstorm ideas and get in the fun fall mood. I typed it out on my computer for this post, but I actually wrote these all out in my bullet journal one afternoon in fun colors and did fall doodles on the side, honestly therapeutic!
My Fall Sneaker Wishlist
If I could pick one item of clothing to have unlimited access to for the rest of my life, it would probably be shoes. I love a good pair of shoes, especially sneakers. I feel like they can really dress up an outfit and give it the perfect vibe: casual, sporty, fancy, preppy, take your pick. It’s no surprise that my first word was literally “shoe” and I worked in a shoe store for the past year and a half in my hometown. I love a good sneaker, and recently I’ve been looking for sneakers that look good with jeans. I know it’s not time yet, but I’m already thinking ahead to fall, and I can’t wait to pair a good pair of denim with some chunky, cool sneakers.
My Fall Reading List
Back in the summer, I read nonstop. It was like I forgot how much I loved it and couldn’t get enough. I was always at the pool working on some summer read I found at the library. Now that school has started back, I rarely have time to read. I hate that, but I definitely want to try and make time for it more throughout my week. I was thinking the other day: I spend countless minutes wasted on my phone looking at random things when I could be spending 30 minutes a day reading! I went to a local bookstore this past weekend and found so many new books I want to read soon, I can’t wait to start!
The Perfect Fall Transition Outfit
How crazy is it that it’s a week into fall and it’s still 80 degrees outside? I have a feeling it’s going to be a hot winter! I do love summer and warmer weather, but after getting a taste of 65 degree weather, I want it to stay for good! Since I haven’t broken out my thick sweaters and jeans haven’t become a staple in my closet just yet, I’ve been experimenting with different pieces that look fall-ish yet work for the warmer weather. I also love adding extra details to this outfit with my favorite new beaded necklace from Jewelry Junkie. It’s so cute and adds the perfect pop of color!
My Favorite H&M Sweaters (all under $35!)
Since it’s starting to get cooler, we are entering sweater weather! In the colder months like December and January, I practically live in sweaters. It’s so easy to slip on on and pair it with jeans or leggings for a quick outfit. Last year while we were at the beach, I went to an H&M store for the first time, and I fell in love with everything in there. There isn’t one anywhere near where I live, so I had never seen any of their items before! I’ve recently been browsing their website and I’m obsessed with all their new fall sweaters! Today I’ve rounded up six of my favorites- and they’re all under $35!
The Ultimate Fall Bucket List
Now that fall is in full swing, there are so many fun things to do to embrace this beautiful season. The weather is perfect, the scenery is gorgeous, and the activities are endless. I feel like it just now hit me that it’s actually fall. Here we are at the end of October and I’m finally acknowledging the weather. It’s only just now getting cooler, which I’m really happy about! It’s so pretty outside, so I recommend getting out the door and trying something new! Today I’m sharing my fall bucket list, I hope you enjoy!
The Friday Five
This week thankfully hasn’t been too stressful! I only had one or two quizzes and not that much homework, which I’m so thankful for. I finally have a break from cross country, there’s no meet this weekend, so I want to try and take advantage of the free weekend and do something fun! District is next weekend, and state is in two weeks, and I’m getting more nervous about it as every day passes! I’ve been trying to train hard and get ready for the next couple of weeks, they’re going to be really tough! I found some great links this week, read on for more details!
Fun Fall Nail Polish Colors
Now that fall is officially here, it’s time to start transitioning your wardrobe and accessories to the darker, more neutral colors. The summer is all about bright and colorful patterns, but fall is more laid back, sophisticated colors in more neutral tones. Besides changing up your clothes for fall, you can also change up your nails! In the summer, my go to was always blues or corals for the brighter color. Now that it’s fall, there are so many cute options for new nail colors! Today I’ve rounded up some of my favorite picks!
Recipe: Frozen Hot Chocolate (Collab!)
Even though it’s technically fall, here in Mississippi it doesn’t always feel like it. Sure, there are some days where it’s chilly and I end up grabbing a sweater, but other times it doesn’t feel much different from summer. I always love making a steaming mug of hot cocoa and warming up with it on a chilly day, but with this hotter weather, there’s no point! That’s why I’ve been loving frozen hot chocolate- you still get the delicious hot cocoa taste, but with the consistency of a milkshake! Today Valerie from Confetti and Tassels and I are sharing our favorite fall drinks, so be sure to check out her post after you’ve read mine! Over on her blog, she made a delicious pumpkin pie frappe, which sounds amazing! Now, on to the recipe:
Sayonara, Summer Stripes
Fall is really starting to kick in, and soon we’ll have to put the summer clothes away and move into a fall wardrobe with sweaters, boots, and scarves. I’m definitely excited that fall is here, but I’m so sad that summer had come to a close. I’ve been slowly transitioning into fall outfits, but I’m not ready to give up on all my summer clothes just yet. This morning, I stepped outside and was shocked at how cold it had gotten. Just yesterday, it was blazing hot, and this morning I had to take a pullover to school because it was so cold! This shirt was one of my favorite summer pieces, but sadly, it’s almost time to pack it away. I wore my final summer stripes outfit with an adorable necklace and my favorite kicks!
Fall Wishlist
Hi guys! I am so sorry there was no Mail Monday this week. I was on vacation and I didn’t have any wifi the whole trip :(. While I was on vacation, I had SO much fun! We swam, explored, and shopped. I also discovered Seaside Style, my new favorite store. I found some great clothes, but I also saw so many more that I wanted to get. So I decided to make a Fall Wishlist! Read on to discover some of my absolute WANTS for this fall.