I always forget how much I love spotify premium until I get the three month Christmas special and become obsessed all over again. They had a deal for $9.99 for three months and I snagged it when I first saw the offer. I found a ton of good music in December. Taylor Swift (finally) put her new album on Spotify, Ed Sheeran’s duet with Beyonce was on repeat, and I rediscovered some old songs that I forgot I used to love!
Tag Archives: music
September Playlist
This playlist is probably like my favorite one ever (or in a close tie with my Christmas Playlist haha). I got my license back in August but September was when I really started to drive more often, which means lots of fun music almost every day! I listened to these songs all the time and was constantly adding new music to the playlist. There are actually a lot more songs than these, but I rounded up my absolute favorites to share today! I know this is kinda late, seeing as we’re already halfway through October (where has the time gone?) but I hope you enjoy!
January Playlist
Recently, I’ve been really into music and I love discovering new songs. The past few months, I’ve been listening to the same songs on repeat because I absolutely loved this. For my January playlist, I decided to branch out and experiment with some fun new music. I actually really like all of these new songs, and I’m glad I found all these! For the monthly playlists to come, I want to start finding more and more music and keep on expanding my taste! This is a wrap up of my favorite songs of this month, enjoy!
Have you heard any of these songs? Which is you fave? If you have any recommendations, comment them below!
xoxo, Addie
The Friday Five
Hello everyone! Who’s excited for the weekend? I definitely am, I don’t have any meets or games this weekend and I can relax and catch up on some other things I need to get done. This week seemed like it went by super fast since we got Labor Day off. If only every week could go by this quick! I’ve been doing a lot of training for cross country since the season has finally begun and we are getting into the routine of practices and meets and recovery. I actually had to take an ice bath the other day to help heal my shins, and it was SO COLD! As I said before, I’m so glad for the weekend, so let’s just get started with my favorite links!
August Playlist
This past month of August, I’ve been listening to lots of fun music throughout the week. I’ve started to see there’s always these same few songs that I listen to over and over again. Anytime I would listen to music, I would gravitate to this group of songs. These are fun, uplifting songs that brighten any day and get you pumped up for the task ahead! It’s so fun to play music while you’re in the shower, getting ready, or even while doing homework. For me, it makes the homework go faster and I’m more energized to get it done. Here is a compiled list of all the songs I’ve listened to this August, hope you enjoy!
What songs have you been loving recently? xoxo
My Top Five Favorite Apps
Hi everyone! For today’s post I decided to group together some of my favorite apps that I use on my phone. I use these apps for different things, whether it’s editing photos, making fashion collages, or listening to music. Read on to discover my top five favorite apps on my phone!
The Pumped Up Playlist
I love listening to music. It’s great for bus rides on the way to sports trips. I like my playlist filled with songs that really get me pumped up and excited. These are loud, fast songs that get me ready and energized for the game. I like getting on the bus and curling up with my blanket and earbuds for the way there. And usually, in the locker room and during the warmup, there is always music to get the team pumped up. Here are my favorite pump up songs on my playlist!
What are your favorite songs? Do you have a playlist to get you pumped up? Let me know below!
The Friday Five
This week, I was very busy with school and soccer. I’ve had tests, quizzes, worksheets, notes and soccer games all week long! I am so glad it’s almost the weekend and I have some time off. One of the best parts is that my grandmother will be spending the entire weekend with us! I can’t wait to spend some time with her, and I’m sure we will do something fun! Looking back at this crazy week of school, there were a few things I just absolutely loved. The Friday Five consists of: my favorite clothing, shoes, or accessory of the week, a song, a bible verse, book, and a random item that I was obsessed with.
Christmas Is Coming- Now What?
There’s less than a month until Christmas 2015! How exciting is that? Time sure has gone by fast, and hopefully these next few weeks of school will zip by. Then, it’ll finally be time for family, travel, presents, and fun this holiday! Read on to discover how to get ready for the upcoming season. If this won’t get you in the holiday spirit, I don’t know what will!
1. Make a Christmas List. No surprise there. Making a Christmas list of all of your most- wanted items is a must. This year, make it a bit more fun. Make a Pinterest board of your wishlist, that way you can have the links and pictures to everything you want. It’s easy to send the link to family and friends if they need any ideas. It’s also fun to make lists on what you’re going to get everyone else in your family. Having everything neat and organized makes it all the more enjoyable.