I always bring my lunch to school, but there are some mornings I have absolutely no idea what to bring and I’m rushing so I end up throwing some random, unhealthy things into my lunchbox. This year I want to go ahead and have a bunch of options in mind so that I can already have an idea of what I can take for lunch each day! I’m going to try to be healthier this year and not turn to the junk food options when I’m hungry. This post is about healthy lunch options for back to school!
Tag Archives: healthy
Getting Ready for Summer
It’s getting closer and closer to summer, with only about one more month before it’s time to break the swimsuits out and put the sweatpants away. It’s already starting to get in the 80s where I live, and it’s only going to get hotter! I’ve already been wearing tanks and shorts. I can’t wait for summer! Today’s post is about a few tips to get ready for summer! Some of these take work, but if you can stay motivated and not quit, you can reach your goal and have the body you want for the summer season!
Having a Healthy Night Routine
Hello everyone! Today’s post is about having a healthy night routine. Sometimes my nights can get so busy and stressful if they are filled with homework and practices and preparing for the next day. It can get to be ten or eleven o’clock before I even go to sleep, and then the next morning I wake up tired and groggy. Recently I’ve (kinda) been able to manage my work and get all of my homework done before it gets too late, so I can relax the rest of the night. Here are a few tips and tricks you can try to have a better night routine.
Healthy Meals
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. My weekend was really fun. I had a track meet on Friday, Saturday we went to a spring festival, and Sunday we visited family out of town. Now it’s Monday, and back to school for me :(. But thankfully, there are only 40 more school days left of the semester! Hopefully these last eight weeks of school will zoom by, because I’m more excited about summer than ever! On the subject of summer nearing, it also means shorts, swimsuits, and tank tops every single day. Now is the time everyone is really starting to work hard to get in shape and eat healthier, because the hottest season of all will be here before you know it! Read on to discover the first of my series on tips for a healthy lifestyle.
Easy Ab Workout
Hello everyone! I’m so sorry that I didn’t have any posts up last week. It was so busy for me and I had so many things to do! Summer and Spring Break are coming up, so everyone is probably going to start trying to get into shape and get ready for the hot season! That’s why today’s post is about a quick and (sorta) easy ab workout to do when you have an extra ten minutes to spare. Just find some space on the floor to work and that’s all you need!
Hope this was helpful! Just do this sometime during your day everyday until you get results and get fit for summer!
Drinking More Water
One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to drink more water, and I think it was definitely a good goal to keep in mind. Water has a lot of benefits and I hadn’t been drinking as much as I should, so it was important that I started drinking more of it. So far, I’ve been doing pretty well at drinking water throughout the day, but I should definitely drink more of it. I’m either not thirsty or never think about it, but I need to start remembering. Water can help me stay hydrated through all the sports I play, so I will be prepared for track that I have after school. Water can also help keep your skin clear, flush out toxins in the body, and can satisfy hunger while also being the healthier option. I would also recommend trying different fruits to put in it, that way it’s not plain water all the time. Another fun thing to help you drink more water is to have a cute water bottle. I have a Camelbak bottle, but I also really like the S’Well water bottles, especially the “Santorini” one in the middle.
What’s your favorite water bottle? Do you drink water? Comment below!
Snack Option: Toasted Coconut
I’ve found out recently that I actually do like certain types of coconut. I don’t like it on cakes or shredded, but toasted coconut is so so good! The best brand to buy is Dang. I think it tastes amazing. This snack is healthy and coconut is beneficial for you, but it also tastes surprisingly good! I think it’s also not too messy and you can carry around the little package of toasted coconut in your lunchbox or purse or whenever you’re on the go. You can buy already toasted-coconut, but you can also make your own! There are so many recipes and ways to make this easy snack. I can’t wait to try making it on my own!
What is your favorite easy snack? Have you ever tried toasted coconut? Let me know below!
Fruit Infused Water Benefits + Combos
Drinking more water was one of my New Year’s Resolutions, and so far I’ve been doing well keeping up with it. I almost always drink my whole water bottle and sometimes fill it up and drink a second bottle. It can get a little bland though, because water alone doesn’t have any flavor or taste to it! I started adding some lemon slices to my ice water some mornings to add some taste. After doing that for a bit, I started thinking of some other great combinations that would taste well with ice water. There are so many different fruits that would make your water taste even better. Another great thing about this is that because it’s only fruit and water, it’s healthy and there are so many health benefits and it can serve as a detox to flush out unwanted fluids in the body.
Healthy Snacks
Eating snacks throughout the day is a habit. I usually have lunch at around 11:30 at school, and get hungry later. That means I want a bite to eat before soccer practice later in the afternoon. The thing is, I can’t be eating any unhealthy snacks right before I go out to practice for two hours! Some good options are fruits and other foods that provide protein, since I would be about to go out and run around. I made a list of some delicious and easy snacks for when you’re hungry and on the go.
January Bucket List
Is is too late to have my January bucket list yet? I know this is really late, but better late than never, right? I tried to come up with ten more things that I wanted to do this January. A lot of them are about either staying healthy or staying organized as I start back up with school. I got a Lilly Pulitzer agenda for Christmas and I hope to use that a lot more to stay on top of everything. I also have a bunch of new recipes I want to try and make. Read on to discover my January bucket list!