Hello everyone! Sorry there haven’t been too many posts recently, I’ve just been enjoying my Spring Break and freedom! Even though I’m not doing much, it’s still great to be able to have a week off and relax. During my break, I’ve been doing a lot of photography and practicing taking photos. I use the app called VSCO to edit my photos, I love the different features and filters that there are to offer. You can check out my photos here! Read on to discover how to use VSCO!
Tag Archives: photography
My Top Five Favorite Apps
Hi everyone! For today’s post I decided to group together some of my favorite apps that I use on my phone. I use these apps for different things, whether it’s editing photos, making fashion collages, or listening to music. Read on to discover my top five favorite apps on my phone!
October Beach Trip 2015
Hi guys! I recently came home from a four day beach vacation in Florida. I was so sad to leave, but I had so much fun! My family and I stayed in a condo in Sandestin, but we traveled to a lot of nearby beach towns. I took some great pictures and started really liking photography while I was down there too. 🙂 Be sure to check out more of my photography at: addiethompson.vsco.co! I am still working on it, but I hope to take more pictures soon!