Happy October! I can’t believe there are only three months left of the year… that’s crazy to me. October really crept up on me, I didn’t realize how fast September was flying by until like the last three days of the month haha. I wasn’t feeling very motivated at the beginning of the month, to be honest. October first I was feeling kind of bleh and uninspired. But yesterday I really took the time to reflect on September and write out some intentions and goals for the month ahead. I love browsing Pinterest to find good journal prompts and ways to prep for the month ahead. I took 30 minutes to sit down, put some music on, and really brainstorm. It actually made me so motivated and excited for October! I really want to work on personal growth and discipline this month, and I’m excited to challenge myself to stay consistent with my goals.
September Recap
This was my first full month at school, and I finally feel like I’m getting into a routine. August was tough because I felt super stressed and overwhelmed with all my classes, but now things are starting to settle down. I’m still trying to figure out what I want my morning and night routines to be, because I feel like they change every day. But for the most part, I know what each day is going to look like and what classes I have to go to, and it’s nice to be in a routine. At the same time, it can get a little mundane and boring, just having the same cycle of school and class every day. I’m really trying to make my days more fun and do new things this upcoming month. I did have some fun weekends tho! My brother came to visit me in Starkville, I went to a football game for the first time in a year, and I got to take a couple trips home. If you want more of a life update, definitely check out my recent podcast episode, I go more in depth on there!
October Intentions
I want more:
- fruits and veggies
- time outside
- morning walks
- time with friends
- books and journaling
- homemade meals
I want less:
- negative self talk
- time alone in my room
- overthinking the future
- scrolling mindlessly
- unnecessary spending
- comparing myself
- get my workouts done in the morning
- be more intentional with stretching and foam rolling
- get outside as much as possible
- eat a serving of fruit each morning
- put effort into growing my blog/insta
- make more meals at home
- start journaling every morning
- lower screen time to under 2 hours
- do a fun fall related activity!
I’m just really hoping that I can stay consistent and on track with my goals this month. I feel like I’m always so motivated at the beginning of the month but then forget about them a week in. I really want to focus on my health and making sure I’m eating mindfully and lots of fresh fruits and veggies, instead of processed snacks. I also want to focus on the amount of mindless scrolling I’m doing each day, and try to read instead. What are your goals for this month?