photo diary no. 5

Long time, no photo dump! I realized the last time I wrote one of these was September, so there were so many photos to sift through and choose from. I really need to be better at doing them every month or two so it’s not like a hundred pictures every time, haha. I’ve done a few of these in the past, but basically I go through my VSCO and pick out some of my favorite photos from the past few months that sum up what I’ve been up to. Looking back, I think senior year of college has been my favorite so far. I just finally feel rooted and comfortable here at school and have made some good friends, which I’m so thankful for! Catching up since October, so enjoy some flashbacks!

This is from when I went home one weekend in October, and this was one of my favorite fall outfits! I wore it at least once a week, haha. I loved the neutral/brown tones and my (fake) boston birks with the frayed jeans.
I always love fall time in Oxford, especially the pumpkin patch! This was on a Sunday I was home, and my siblings and I went on a walk and took pictures at the patch.
I got two days off of school for fall break at the end of October, and I went to my friend Rebekah’s house a few hours away! We went to a little fall festival/pumpkin patch and the weather was perfect.
She has the best front porch overlooking town, and we spent like three hours outside reading one afternoon!
My brother and sister are on the cross country team for my old school, and I got to go to a few of their meets if they were nearby. Makes me miss my old XC days, haha.
My roommate Sav and I were in a photo comm class last fall, and we were the pros at procrastinating our projects until last minute and then having our photoshoots on Sunday afternoons.
I used to be obsessed with the Percy Jackson series when I was in middle school, and I reread them over the fall. It was seriously the best, most nostalgic feeling to cozy up in bed and read them each night!
My best friend Rebekah came to visit my hometown one weekend! It was a chilly weekend, but we shopped, ate, and went to some fun places in town, including Square Books, the cutest bookstore.
Decorating the tree! We set it up the week of Thanksgiving, a little early. I always love putting on the Christmas music and bringing out all the nostalgic ornaments.
I forgot how much I love the trails! My brother and I went on lots of runs over winter break- he’s gotten so fast so it definitely forced me to push my pace!
Had to go back to Starkville for a day to finish up my capstone project! It was a hard semester working on a campaign for a local client, but we had our final presentation- and won!
I loved being on winter break and having slower mornings at home. My favorite thing was to make a cold brew and read by the tree.
I learned to play chess over break! My brothers both knew how to play but I had never learned before, so I finally got Rowan to teach me. We played at least twice a day for two weeks straight, haha.
We always do a big Christmas brunch with our family and my mom’s side of the family, and we had soooo much good food. Followed by opening gifts and playing board games!
It was surprisingly warm on New Year’s Day, and we went out to the tennis courts for a bit! I’m terrible at tennis, but it was fun to hit around and be outside.
More slow mornings at home! I started a bible reading plan to read the bible in a year for 2023, and I love making cold brew + oat milk and reading/journaling.
Back to school! I’m trying to cook more this semester, and my friend Olivia and I have a Monday tradition of making dinner together.
One of my new favorite books! This was a cozy, dark academia genre book, paired with a cold brew at my favorite coffee shop.
I went on a little college retreat with my church a couple of weeks ago, and we always had late night activities. Saturday night we rented out the gym and played pickleball. It was my first time, but I absolutely loved it- so fun!
Rainy day mood. Our afternoon classes got canceled and my friend Olivia and I hung out all day, doing homework, reading, then made dinner and watched Gilmore Girls!
Went home for the weekend last Friday and got a haircut! Then of course had to stop by Heartbreak Coffee for a latte.
Ended Sunday night with fro yo! I hadn’t been home in a month, so it was fun to hang out with my family and be in Oxford for a few days!

I can’t believe we’re almost to March, 2023 is really flying by. Trying to soak it all up!

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