It’s a new year, but I’m still just as into reading as ever! Last year I read 84 books, which honestly I’m surprised at myself for, haha. I didn’t think I had enough time to read that much, which just goes to show that it’s about making time, not waiting until you “find” time. I read a lot of thrillers last year, which is probably my favorite genre. As I was coming up with this year’s reading list, I wanted to branch out and read books from new authors and new genres. Some genres I haven’t really explored are historical fiction, self improvement, and memoirs, so I definitely want to read more of those this year. I came up with a list of books that I want to try to tackle over the next few months. Knowing me though, I usually get hooked on an author or series and then read whatever I’m feeling, haha. Even if I add more books to the mix, I do really want to try to check these off my list this year!
I’ve attached a carousel of a bunch of different books below, but I wanted to go into detail about a few books I’m most looking forward to:
Six of Crows // I first heard about this book years ago, and it’s sitting on my book shelf, I just haven’t gotten around to reading it. I used to love fantasy, it was mainly the only genre I read. Nowadays, I mainly read contemporary fiction and thrillers, so this will be interesting to read and try out the fantasy genre again! It’s about a heist, and it got really good reviews.
I Will Teach You to be Rich // One of my 2022 goals is to become more financially literate, and this book looks really good. My dad got it for me last summer, and I’ve read a couple of chapters, but I need to read more in it. I’d like to work through it and take notes, so I can actually apply what I learn!
Crazy Love // I’ve listened to a few Francis Chan sermons and podcasts, but I’ve never read any books by him. A friend was talking to me about this one, and it looks really good. It talks about God’s overwhelming love for us and how we can’t even comprehend how much He cares for His children. Definitely at the top of my list!
Before We Were Yours // This is another book that I would never normally read, but I’ve been hearing a lot about it recently. It’s set in two different timelines- 1939 and present day- and is based off a true story of an adoption agency scandal.
Daring Greatly // I got this book from a Little Free Library box over the summer, and I’ve been hearing a lot about Brene Brown’s books and speeches. The book is about the power of vulnerability and having the courage to face uncomfortable situations. I never really read “motivation” or self improvement books, and this one looks good.
Greenwich Park // It wouldn’t be a book list without a thriller on it! This one is about a new mom who meets another woman at a prenatal class, and the women become fast friends. However, this new woman is sketchy, and secrets about her past start coming to light. This one is coming out in a couple of weeks, and I can’t wait to read it!
How to Win Friends and Influence People // Another book that is sitting on my shelf and I haven’t read yet, haha. A friend recommended this one to me, and it seems like it has so many useful truths in it. It’s about how to make the people around you feel seen and known, and making the most of your connections and relationships.
The Beach Club // I love Elin Hilderbrand’s books, I think I read five or six of them last year alone! This is one of her first novels, and it is set at a hotel resort in Nantucket. I’m sure I’ll break it out in February, when I get really sick of the cold and start craving the beach, haha.
Atomic Habits // One of my overall goals this year is to start new habits and notice the habits that are leading me away from my goals. This book is all about the power of habits and breaking out of cycles we may not even know we were stuck in.
What book is on the top of your reading list this year?