january recap + february goals

 Happy February! January was weird, because it felt like two months in one. The first half of the month I was at home, still enjoying my winter break. But as soon as I came back to school January 17, I was thrown into busy schedules and homework and meetings. January flew by for me, but I also did some fun stuff this month and had lots of big changes. I got a little down on myself because I was so motivated with my 2022 goals and really trying to stick with them, but I didn’t accomplish as much as I’d hoped. Usually I feel really productive and motivated the first month of the year, but not this time, haha. It’s okay though! February is a new month and a fresh start, and I’m really going to try to make it a good month ahead. Today I’m sharing a little January recap and some of my goals for February!

Like I mentioned, the first couple of weeks of January I was still home for winter break. I went to Passion Conference the first week of the month, which was such a cool experience. I had never gone before, and the teachings/worship was so good. The rest of my time at home was mainly spent working at a local boutique, finishing up my online class, and hanging out with friends. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with some of my high school friends over break, because I never really see them during the school year. I got back to MSU on the 17th, and classes started the next day. The first week of school wasn’t too bad, just a few assignments and getting used to my schedule, but the second week hit full force. I have class until 12 each day, and then my internship immediately after, until 3 or 4. Most nights I have an organizational meeting or bible study, so I haven’t had as much time as I’m used to for working on homework. It’s definitely been hard to get in a routine and balance everything, but I’m slowly finding what works for me. I think the weather and cold also affect me majorly, because I’ve had the “winter blues” for a few weeks now. Spring can’t come soon enough!  

A few rapid fire January favorites:

  • Song: Love Lockdown // Kanye West
  • Podcast: Anything Goes // Emma Chamberlain
  • Show/Youtuber: Brooke Miccio 
  • Purchase: a new sweater!
  • Verse: Psalm 16, esp. verse 2
  • Food: overnight oats
  • Book: Rest & War // Ben Stuart

This month, I want to focus on slowing down and noticing my thoughts more. It sounds simple, but as I go throughout my day: workout, class, drive, internship, homework, social media work, organization, meeting, etc, I feel like I run on autopilot. It’s not until the end of the day when I’m trying to wind down for bed that I realize I’ve barely stopped to breathe and pray anytime throughout the day. It’s much easier said than done. But I really want to get better at being present and not always thinking about the next task I have coming up. I also want to focus on better nutrition and cooking more meals, instead of grabbing a processed snack or sticking with my same few meals every week. A few more goals for the month: 

  1. get into consistent morning and night routines
  2. foam roll every night
  3. reach out to someone new
  4. only drink one coffee a week
  5. listen to an audiobook
  6. go a day without technology
  7. do a random act of kindness
  8. try a new workout class
  9. try more headspace meditations
  10. eat a variety of fruit and veggies

A few books on my list for this month:

  • Before We Were Yours
  • Get Your Life Back
  • Winter in Paradise
  • Never Have I Ever

– A habit I want to break: being on my phone mindlessly: when walking, in the bathroom, when I’m bored

– A habit I want to start: eating fruit in the morning to start my day

 I think February will be a good month! My first full month back at school, settling into routines, and making time for myself and things I enjoy. Hopefully some warmer weather is ahead too! 

What are your February goals?

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